Cal State Fullerton faculty and staff shared their expertise on subjects ranging from the reproductive health of nomadic Tibetan women to accent bias. The following publications, presentations and awards were submitted during April 2021.
Manal Alatrash, assistant professor of nursing, authored “Determinants of Breast Cancer Screening in Three Arab American Women Subgroups” in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing.
Jochen Burgtorf, professor of history, published a co-edited volume titled “The Templars: The Rise, Fall and Legacy of a Military Religious Order.”
Jared Coburn and Pablo Costa, professors of kinesiology, and Derek Pamukoff, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Hip and Knee Kinetics During a Back Squat and Deadlift” in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Pablo Costa, Andrew Galpin and Jared Coburn, professors of kinesiology, co-authored “Effects of a Vibrating Foam Roller on Ipsilateral and Contralateral Neuromuscular Function and the Hamstring-to-Quadriceps Ratios” in the International Journal of Exercise Science.
Rachel Fenning, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Correlates of Oral Health Fatalism in Caregivers of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Special Care in Dentistry.
John Gleaves, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Doping Prevalence in Competitive Sport: Evidence Synthesis with ‘Best Practice’ Recommendations and Reporting Guidelines From the WADA Working Group on Doping Prevalence” in Sports Medicine. He also authored “A Moral Examination of the Therapeutic Use Exemption in Anti-Doping” in the Journal of Olympic Studies.
Alice Lee, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “Depot-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Use Is Associated With Decreased Risk of Ovarian Cancer: The Mounting Evidence of a Protective Role of Progestins” in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
Joyce Lin, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Engaging Caregivers and Children in Picture Books: A Family-Implemented Mathematical Language Intervention” in the Journal of Educational Psychology.
Erica Lizano, assistant professor of social work, authored “Work Engagement and Its Relationship With Personal Well-Being: A Cross-Sectional Exploratory Study of Human Service Workers” in Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance.
Robert Lockie, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored the following articles:
- “Skeletal Muscle Mass and Fat Mass Relationships With Physical Fitness Test Performance in Law Enforcement Recruits Before Academy” in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research;
- “Physical Fitness: Differences Between Initial Hiring to Academy in Law Enforcement Recruits Who Graduate or Separate From Academy” in Work;
- “With Great Power Comes Great Ability: Extending Research on Fitness Characteristics That Influence Work Sample Test Battery Performance in Law Enforcement Recruits” in Work;
- “Sex-Related Differences in Functional Movement Screen Scores Among Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Cadets” in Military Medicine; and
- “Not as Simple as It Seems: Front Foot Contact Kinetics, Muscle Function and Ball Release Speed in Cricket Pace Bowlers” in the Journal of Sports Sciences.
Tabashir Nobari, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “Nomadic Tibetan Women’s Reproductive Health: Findings From Cross-Sectional Surveys With a Hard-to-Reach Population” in Reproductive Health.
Penchan Phoborisut, assistant professor of communications, published an article titled “Reimagining Dissent in Thailand’s 2020 Uprising” in the SAIS Review of International Affairs.
Rebecca Sheehan, professor of cinema and television arts, published a peer-reviewed essay titled “‘Give Me a Body Then …’: (In)corporated Thinking in the Cinema of Menken, Deren and Arledge” in the journal Cinema & Cie.
Diana Tisnado, professor of public health, co-authored “Advance Care Planning in Patients With Decompensated Cirrhosis at Liver Transplant Centers: A Qualitative Study (SCI944)” in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
Yuying Tsong, professor of human services, co-authored “Training Public Sector Clinicians in Competency-Based Clinical Supervision: Methods, Curriculum and Lessons Learned” in the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.
Adam D. Woods, chair and professor of geological sciences, authored “Stromatolites from the Lower Triassic Virgin Limestone at Blue Diamond, NV USA: The Role of Dysoxia, Enhanced Calcification and Nutrient Availability in the Growth of Post-Extinction Microbialites” in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. His former student and alumna Jennifer McCoy Kirton ‘14 (M.S. geological sciences) is co-author.
Joshua Yang, professor of public health, co-authored “Characterizing Self-Reported Tobacco, Vaping and Marijuana-Related Tweets Geolocated for California College Campuses” in Frontiers in Public Health.
Shu-Chen Yen, professor of child and adolescent studies, and Nathalie Carrick, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Sticking Together: The Impact of a Collaborative Intensive Service-Learning Program on College Students’ Academic Outcomes” in the Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education.
Elise Assaf, assistant professor of communications, presented her paper titled “Hidden, Authoritative Power in Journalistic Representations of Mental Health Labels” at the American Educational Research Association’s virtual annual conference.
Julio Bermejo, assistant professor of communications, presented “Boundary Spanning as a Threat: A Theoretical Inquiry Into Public Relations’ Professional Identity” at the virtual Association for Business Communication Southwestern Region Conference.
Rahul Chakraborty, associate professor of communication sciences and disorders, had his scholarly work featured on the podcast “Immigrantly” in an episode titled “Accent Bias and the Myth of Comprehensibility.”
Miya Williams Fayne, assistant professor of communications, participated on a panel titled “Within the Veil: Roundtable of Black Perspectives” at the National Association of Black Journalists’ Media Institute on Education and Health.
Robert Flores, assistant dean of student affairs in the College of Communications, spoke on a panel titled “Considering the Next Step: The Doctoral Degree Journey” at the Region VI SoCal Careers in Student Affairs Day presented by NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.
David Plouffe, lecturer in visual arts, was a guest lecturer at the Saddleback College Emeritus Institute, presenting “Vincent van Gogh: The Man and the Myth.”
HyeKyeung Seung, chair and professor of communication sciences and disorders, participated in an Allied Health Academy high school after-school program panel that introduced students to allied health careers and college preparation.
Anthony Sparks, associate professor of cinema and television arts, was interviewed for the 19th Annual Conversation on Race & Media, hosted by the Newhouse School of Communication at Syracuse University.
Jennifer Yee, associate professor of Asian American studies, participated in a virtual group presentation titled “Partnering for Student Success: A Transformative Leadership & Social Justice Model for Serving Asian Pacific Islander Desi American/APIDA Students” hosted by NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.
Several College of Communications faculty presented at the virtual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies:
- Martina Baldwin, lecturer in cinema and television arts, co-chaired a workshop titled “Media/Literacy 2021.”
- Hunter Hargraves, associate professor of cinema and television arts, co-chaired a workshop titled “How White Queers Can Build Anti-Racist and Intergenerationally Queer Classrooms.”
- Heather Osborne-Thompson, professor of cinema and television arts, presented her paper, “Big Little Lies, Season Two, or the Revenge of Television for Women,” on the panel “Challenging TV: Intersectional Investments on the Small Screen.”
- Henry Puente, professor of communications, chaired a panel on “Television Whiteness.”
- Rebecca Sheehan, professor of cinema and television arts, presented the paper “Sharon Lockhart’s Philosophy of the Casual: From an Emersonian Aesthetics to an Eco-Cinema of Sociability” for the panel “Casual Commitments: The Aesthetics and Politics of the Casual.”
Zac Johnson, associate professor of human communication studies, was elected the 2022-25 editor of the journal Communication Quarterly.
Bey-Ling Sha, dean of the College of Communications, was re-elected to a three-year term on the Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications, representing the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Sha is the only Californian member serving on the council.
Raman M. Unnikrishnan, professor of electrical engineering, has been appointed as a member of the 2021-22 ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, the U.S. organization responsible for quality assurance of engineering programs nationwide. He is representing IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer) in this one-year assignment. This is his second time serving as a commissioner of ABET. He completed a five-year appointment during 2008-13 representing ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education) while he was dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
Ricardo Valencia, assistant professor of communications, served as co-chair of the Edelman Summit for Communications and Marketing. The virtual conference supports the growth and development of current and future Latinx communications and marketing professionals.
Faculty and staff may submit publications, presentations and honors/awards for this monthly roundup at newssubmissions@fullerton.edu.