Cal State Fullerton’s Academic Senate will feature some familiar faces, and four new ones, for the upcoming 2021-22 academic year.
Stephen Stambough, professor of political science, was reelected to a second consecutive term as senate chair. He also serves as a senator of the Academic Senate of the California State University. Stambough previously served as chair in 2017-18, and served as vice chair of the faculty governing body for 2016-17, as well as in 2010-11. In addition to his senate service, he was chair of the Division of Politics, Administration and Justice from 2012-15, and since 2006, is the founder and current director of the Cal State DC Scholars program.
“I’m excited about the upcoming year for the senate, including welcoming several new members to the senate executive team,” Stambough said. “In addition to looking forward to the senate meeting in the senate chambers again, we have a lot of work this year on issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice; campus reopening; and updating policies including recruitment, evaluation, curriculum and communication.”
Returning members of the executive committee include:

Stephen Stambough, professor of political science, chair

Alexandro Gradilla, associate professor of Chicana and Chicano studies, vice chair

Eileen Walsh, professor of sociology, secretary

Amir Dabirian, vice president for information and technology and chief information officer, treasurer

Also returning as an Academic Senate of the California State University representative is Irene Matz, associate professor of human communication studies.
New to the 2021-22 executive committee, as at-large members, are:

Rebecca Sheehan, professor of cinema and television arts

Joao Barros, associate professor of kinesiology

Merri Lynn Casem, chair and professor of biological science (while Casem has served in previous years, she was not on the executive committee last year).

Also new as an ASCSU representative is Michael Milligan, a lecturer in finance.
The Academic Senate develops, formulates, and reviews educational and professional policy that becomes university policy if approved by the CSUF president. Besides faculty members, its membership includes administrators, two representatives from Associated Students Inc. and two staff members.