Seventy Cal State Fullerton faculty members have been awarded sabbatical leaves for publication and artwork creation, research and classroom development during the spring 2021 to fall 2022 time period. Three additional faculty members were awarded difference-in-pay leaves for the 2021-22 academic year.
Spring 2021-Fall 2021
Christian Hill, associate professor of art, “Outreach and Guidance of Future Illustrators”
Sudarshan Kurwadkar, professor of civil and environmental engineering, “In-Situ Remediation of Groundwater Contaminants Using Super-Activated Carbon Nanoparticles and Powdered-Activated Carbon-Amended Permeable Reactive Barriers”
Fall 2021
Michelle Berelowitz, lecturer in human services, “The Impact of COVID on the Nonprofit Communities in Anaheim and Fullerton, California”
Gulhan Bourget, professor of mathematics, “Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Southern California”
Margie Brown-Coronel, associate professor of history, “California Legacies, Popular Fantasies: the del Valle Family in Southern California, 1860-1940”
Kate Burlingham, associate professor of history, “Race, Religion and American Ideology in Angola, 1880-1975”
Matthew Calarco, professor of philosophy, “The Three Ethologies”
Bryan Cantley, professor of art, “Speculative Coolness”
Shana Charles, associate professor of public health, “COVID-19 and American Federalism: How a Virus Revealed Who We Are”
Anthony Davis, copyright and policy librarian, “Male Success Initiative Collection,” (four months 9/1-12/31)
Douglas Eernisse, professor of biological science, “Completion of Manuscripts on the Systematic Biology of Chitons”
Koren Fisher, associate professor of kinesiology, “Developing a Curriculum-Based Certification Program for Physical Activity Instructors of Older Adults”
Gagan Ghosh, associate professor of economics, “Stereotypes Through Sampling”
Ester Gonzalez, associate professor of information systems and decision sciences, “First-Generation College Students (FGCS): The Use of Social Media and Its Impact on FGCS”
Janna Kim, professor of child and adolescent studies, “Sexual Scripts for Young Women and No-Cost Writing Resources in Child and Adolescent Studies”
Chiranjeev Kohli, professor of marketing, “‘Alexa, Buy Me an SLR Camera.’ Branding and Marketing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”
Emmanuel Lartey, associate professor of economics, “Fiscal Policy and the Dutch Disease Effects of Remittances”
Edwin Lopez, assistant professor of sociology, “A Model for Justice and the Place we Call “Home”: El Centro and the Chicana/o Pursuit for Equity in Higher Education”
Elisa Mandell, professor of art, “Geographies of Absence: Mapping the Contributions of the Jewish Community in the Formation of Cityscape in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Brazil”
Nancy Panza, professor of psychology, “Annual Mental Health Checks for Police Officers: One Piece of a Prevention-Based Model for Police Reform”
Ari Posner, professor of cinema and television arts, “Scripted Comedy Podcast Series”
Christopher Ryu, chair and professor of computer science, “A Cloud-Based Data Analytics and Monitoring System to Improve Fuel Efficiency for Industrial Boilers and Estimate Emission Reduction”
HyeKyeung Seung, chair and professor of communication sciences and disorders, “Vietnamese Immigrant Parents’ and Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perspectives Toward Autism in Vietnamese Children in the U.S.,” (four months 9/1-12/31)
Amr Soror, assistant professor of information systems and decision sciences, “Untangling the Duality of Habit in Social Media Problematic Use Context”
Joanne Stohs, lecturer in psychology, “New Mental Health Therapies for Treating the Least-Advantaged Clients”
Mark Stohs, professor of finance, “Markets and Politics”
Diana Tisnado, professor of public health, “Expanding Interprofessional Education and Scholarship Supporting Diversity in the Health Professions”
Chen Wang, professor of art, “Information Design Methodology”
Jing Yang, professor of finance, “The Influences of Flips on House Transactions in the Neighborhood”
2021-22 Academic Year
Elizabeth Georges, lecturer in communications, “Applying Flipped Classroom and Interactive Techniques/Pedagogy to a Revamp of Comm 101: Writing for Mass Media”
Aitana Guia Conca, associate professor of history, “Healthy Cities, Thriving Humans: Car Culture, Environmental Social Movements and the Greening of the Turia River in Valencia, Spain (1957-2019)”
John Hickok, international outreach librarian, “Longitudinal Study Follow-Up: Changes in Libraries of Asia,” (eight months 10/1-5/31)
Gloria Monti, associate professor of cinema and television arts, “Compiling and Editing an Anthology”
Zia Salim, associate professor of geography and the environment, “The Contours of Creativity: Analyzing Murals in California”
Anthony Sparks, associate professor of cinema and television arts, “2021 Television Drama Script Development and Production”
Spring 2022
Vahideh Abedi, associate professor of information systems and decision sciences, “Bayesian Estimation Methodology as a Tool in Predicting Adoption Pattern of New Product or Service Introductions”
Michelle Brye, associate professor of elementary and bilingual education, “Virtual Lesson Study: Culturally Responsive Mathematics Instruction”
Jochen Burgtorf, professor of history, “Refugees and Population Displacement in the Near East During the Crusades (11th-14th Centuries)”
Eric Carbajal, associate professor of modern languages and literatures, “Aesthetics of Violence: The Contemporary Spanish-American Novel in Response to Political Violence”
Nathalie Carrick Carlson, associate professor of child and adolescent studies, “Children’s Fantasy-Reality Distinctions: The Role of Emotions and Parents”
Maqsood Chaudhry, professor of electrical engineering, “Research to Design Efficient Power Converters”
Alison Dover, associate professor of secondary education, “Nourishing Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Teaching in K-12 and Teacher Education”
Matt Englar-Carlson, professor of counseling, “International Collaboration (Australia, Denmark), ‘In the Room With Men, Two’ Book Completion, Expanding Doping Research, Editing of Book Series”
Adam Glesser, associate professor of mathematics, “Completion of Modern Algebra: A Primary Source Project”
Sarah Grant, assistant professor of anthropology, “Ecologies of Entanglement in the Mekong Delta”
Hunter Hargraves, associate professor of cinema and television arts, “Idols Undone: Reality Television and American Democracy”
Sung Hee Lee, assistant professor of special education, “Reading E-books: How Children With Autism Read Animated E-books With Animation With Parents”
Maria Malagon, assistant professor of sociology, “Resisting Erasure: Life Histories of Mexican American Youth in California Reformatory Schools”
Melanie Horn Mallers, professor of human services, “A Daily Diary Study of Parent and Child Self-Reports and Heart Rate Variability of Stress Experiences”
Summer Martin, associate professor of human communication studies, “The Experience and Communication of Uncertainty Regarding Genetic Testing for the BRCA Mutation”
Valbone Memeti, assistant professor of geological sciences, “Using Mineral Forensics Research to Understand Volcanic Eruptions and the Evolution of Underlying Magma Plumbing Systems”
Phoolendra Mishra, chair and associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, “Preparing Book on Hydrology and Hydrogeology for Environmental Engineers”
Thomas Murphy, associate professor of mathematics, “Molecules and Complex Analysis”
Nikolaos Nikolaidis, professor of biological science, “Understanding Protein Function to Uncover New Cancer Therapies”
Brian Norton, professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, “Shaftesbury’s Ecological Aesthetics”
Gabriela Nuñez, associate professor of Chicana and Chicano studies, “Racing Triathlon: Racism and Anti-Racism in Swim/Bike/Run”
Debra Patterson, professor of kinesiology, “Development of an Online Learning Module for Common Core State Standards and Physical Education Content Standards”
Matthew Rathbun, associate professor of mathematics, “Improving Knot Theory Modeling for DNA-Protein Interactions”
Patricia Schneider-Zioga, associate professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, “A Grammar of Kinande With Paralegomena on Nande Culture”
Parvin Shahrestani, assistant professor of biological science, “Aging: Causes, Impacts and Evolutionary Insights”
Deepak Sharma, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, “Boosting Construction Management and Artificial Intelligence Focusing Areas”
Myungsoo Son, professor of accounting, “Do Religious Beliefs Influence Management’s Disclosure of Bad News? A Study of Effect of Local Social Norms on Individual Behavior”
Sunil Thomas, professor of marketing, “The Role of Domain Experts vs. Celebrity Social Media Influencers in Shaping Public Opinion on Polarizing Issues”
Yun Tian, associate professor of computer science, “Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning to Address Cybersecurity Problems”
Carolina Valdez, associate professor of elementary and bilingual education, “Preparing Elementary Educators: Ethnic Studies Preparation for K-8 Classrooms”
Ryan Walter, assistant professor of biological science, “Restoration Genomics of Eelgrass: A Population and Transcriptomic Approach for Assessing Temporal Stability in Zostera Marina”
Kazuha Watanabe, associate professor of modern languages and literatures, “The Regional Variations of the Japanese Language: Application of the Modern Linguistic Theories”
Jindong Wu, professor of geography and the environment, “Assessing Fire Risk in the Wildland-Urban Interface with Multi-Resolution Satellite Imagery”
Spring 2022-Fall 2022
Jennifer Burnaford, professor of biological science, “Toward an Integrative Understanding of Mechanisms and Patterns of Community Structure on California Rocky Shores”
Gina Passante, associate professor of physics, “Research to Improve the Education of the Next Generation of Quantum Information Scientists”
Difference in Pay Leaves: 2021-22 Academic Year
Bin Cong, professor of computer science, research and a new book on recent developments in software engineering
Sharon Kim, professor of sociology, “Religion and Resilience: Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Among Rwandan Women Genocide Survivors”
Peng Liu, associate professor of information systems and decision sciences, “The Dynamics of Trust Change in Information Technology Products”