As the COVID-19 pandemic spread during the past 18 months, Cal State Fullerton received three distributions of Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding that were granted in three separate disbursements: CARES (Corona Aid, Recovery and Economic Security) Act, CRRSAA (Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021) and ARP (American Rescue Plan). This HEERF funding was provided to eligible students during the pandemic, and to cover pandemic-related costs incurred by the university (laptop computers for students who didn’t have access to a computer, safety features on campus, etc.).
Cal State Fullerton received the following amounts from three respective distributions: HEERF I provided $20.5 million in funding, HEERF II provided an additional $20.5 million, and HEERF III provided $59,579,150. In total, the university received and disbursed $100.5 million, based on federal guidelines and institutional priorities to more than 40,000 students.
For more information, visit the Office of Financial Aid at www.fullerton.edu/financialaid/covid-faq.php.