Faculty members published and presented research on a variety of topics, including BTS’ impact during the Black Lives Matter movement and how Twitter impacts the regional news market. These are the publications, presentations and awards submitted during September 2021.
Gordon Capp, assistant professor of social work, co-authored “Positive School Climate for School Staff? The Roles of Administrators, Staff Beliefs and School Organization in High- and Low-Resource School Districts” in the Journal of Community Psychology.
Laura Chandler, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “Fitness Assessment Feedback May Lower Intrinsic Motivation for Physical Activity Among College Students” in the California Journal of Health Promotion.
Sapna Chopra, assistant professor of human services, authored “Healing From Internalized Racism for Asian Americans” in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.
Tricia Kasamatsu, associate professor of kinesiology, and Kathleen Wilson, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Drop Landing Biomechanics in Individuals With and Without a Concussion History” in the Journal of Applied Biomechanics.
Do Kyeong Lee, assistant professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Practice and Proficiency: Factors that Facilitate Infant Walking Skill” in Developmental Psychobiology.
Robert Lockie, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Relationships Between Absolute and Relative Lower-Body Power and Foot Pursuit Ability in Law Enforcement Recruits” in the International Journal of Exercise Science.
Scott Lynn, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Effects of Weighted Arm Sleeve Loading on Golf Shot Parameters” in The Journal of Sport and Exercise Science.
Melissa Montgomery, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Running Kinetics and Femoral Trochlea Cartilage Characteristics in Recreational and Collegiate Distance Runners” in Sports Medicine and Biomechanics.
Brian Norton, professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, published “Shaftesbury and the Stoic Roots of Modern Aesthetics” in Aesthetic Investigations.
Michelle Ramos, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Observed Parent-Adolescent Coalitions and Family Hostilities During Family Discussions: Associations With Marital Aggression” in Family Process.
Toby Rider, associate professor of kinesiology, and Matthew Llewellyn, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “New Perspectives on Sport and Apartheid: Local and Global” in the International Journal of the History of Sport.
Debra Rose, chair and professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Reliability and Fall-Risk Predictability of the Short Form of the Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale in Iranian Older Adults” in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.
Rebekah Smart, professor of counseling, and Sapna Chopra, assistant professor of human services, co-authored “An Incomplete List of Events Related to ‘Me Too” & #MeToo Movement (2006-2020)’” in Women & Therapy.
Sasha Zeedyk, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “Building Classroom Communities for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder” in the International Journal of Inclusive Education.
Several faculty members from the College of Communications were involved at this year’s virtual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference:
- Jesús Ayala, lecturer in communications, spoke on the “Raising Awareness: Teaching Cultural Competencies, Diversity and Inclusion in the J-School Classroom” panel
- Gayle Brisbane, assistant professor of communications, presented “Strong Enough to Battle the Liberals: How Social Identity Solidified White Evangelical Christian Women’s Support of Donald J. Trump and Sustained Their Distrust of News Outlets”
- Roselyn Du, associate professor of communications, presented “Algorithmic Audience in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Tailored Communication, Information Cocoons and News Literacy” and presented on the “Professional Freedom and Responsibility” panel session
- Miya Williams Fayne, assistant professor of communications, spoke on the panels “For vs. About: Challenging Journalists’ Perceptions of Audiences and Communities; Surviving and/or Thriving? The State of Black-Owned News Operations in the Age of Protest and Pandemic”; and moderated the “Race, Ethnicity and Identity in the Profession” panel
- Jiwoo Park, assistant professor of communications, presented “Witnessing the Power of Digital Activism BTS’ Involvement Brought into the Social Movement: A Case of the Black Lives Matter”
- Waleed Rashidi, assistant professor of communications, spoke on the “Entertainment Studies Interest Group” panel
- Chelsea Reynolds, associate professor of communications, spoke on the “Transforming Transgender Journalism Education” session and moderated the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Interest Group” session
- Frank Russell, associate professor of communications, co-presented “#Breaking in L.A.: Twitter Use in a Regional News Market” and spoke on the “Professional Freedom and Responsibility” panel session
- Bey-Ling Sha, dean of the College of Communications, spoke at the “Public Relations Division” session
- Jason Shepard, chair and professor of communications, co-presented “Student Activism vs. Student Journalism: Racial Justice, Free Speech and Journalism Ethics in College Newspapers”; spoke on “Librarians as Lawbreakers: Criminalization of Story Hours and Other Attempts to Restrict Library Materials and Services”; “Law and Policy Division” session; and moderated the “First Amendment Award” presentation
- Cylor Spaulding, assistant professor of communications, moderated the “Religious Use of Communication Technologies” session
Chelsea Reynolds, associate professor of communications, co-presented “Mental Health Matters: A Session for Educators” at the Society of Professional Journalists.
Jason Shepard, chair and professor of communications, served as the closing keynote speaker for the Southern California Journalism Education Association’s “Wake-Up Call” conference. Shepard’s presentation addressed protecting student expression of unpopular ideas.
Lisa Erwin-Davidson, assistant professor of communication sciences and disorders, was selected as one of 13 award recipients for the National Institutes of Health conference grant. The grant supported Erwin-Davidson and her research partner’s attendance to the International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication conference, where they presented their co-authored paper “Community-Engaged Collaboration for Language and Literacy Impact Preliminary Case Findings From Year One.”
Bey-Ling Sha, dean of the College of Communications, received a president’s award from the Society of Professional Journalists. The award is in recognition of Sha’s contributions of talent, truth and energy of the highest level for the betterment of the profession, the society and its members.
Faculty and staff may submit publications, presentations and awards or honors for this monthly roundup to newssubmissions@fullerton.edu.