Cal State Fullerton faculty members published, presented and received recognition on a variety of topics, including the mental health transformation of LGBTQ college students and the role of interpersonal relationships among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. These are the publications, presentations and awards submitted during December 2021.
Natsuki Atagi, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored the chapter “The Role of Diverse Linguistic Experiences in Young Children’s Cognitive and Language Development” in the book “A Transdisciplinary Lens for Bilingual Education: Bridging Cognitive, Sociocultural, and Sociolinguistic Approaches to Enhance Student Learning.”
Gordon Capp, assistant professor of social work, co-authored “Needs of Children and Families during Spring 2020 COVID-19 School Closures: Findings from a National Survey” in Social Work.
Pablo Costa, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Effects of 12 Months of Vitamin D Supplementation on Physical Fitness Levels in Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes” in the Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology.
Kristina Fortes, assistant professor of nursing, and Jane Williams, lecturer in nursing, co-authored “Utilizing an Interprofessional Case Conference Series to Teach Care Transitions in Pharmacy and Nursing Curriculum” in Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.
Maria Koleilat, associate professor of public health, co-authored “The Impact of COVID-19 on Breastfeeding Rates in a Low-Income Population” in Breastfeeding Medicine.
Alice Lee, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “Endometriosis and Menopausal Hormone Therapy Impact the Hysterectomy-Ovarian Cancer Association” in Gynecologic Oncology.
Daoji Li, assistant professor of information systems and decision sciences, co-authored “Reproducible Learning in Large-Scale Graphical Models” in the Journal of Multivariate Analysis.
Erica Lizano, assistant professor of social work, co-authored “An Examination of Work Engagement’s Antecedents and Consequences in a Sample of U.S. Community Mental Health Providers” in Health and Social Care in the Community.
Robert Lockie, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored an article “Strength and Conditioning Program Design Considerations for Law Enforcement Officers” in Strength and Conditioning Journal.
Bo Young Park, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “The association between wildfire exposure in pregnancy and foetal gastroschisis: A population-based cohort study” in Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.
Chelsea Reynolds, associate professor of communications, co-authored “‘Going Virtual Helped Me Learn That I Can Handle Everything’: Campus Magazine Production as a High Impact Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in Journalism & Mass Communication Educator.
Toby Rider, associate professor of kinesiology, and Matt Llewellyn, professor of kinesiology, co-edited a book, “Sport and Apartheid South Africa: Histories of Politics, Power, and Protest” in Routedge.
Rosario Rose Sakamoto, associate professor of nursing, authored “Influence of ‘RAP’ Experiences on Nursing Students’ Career Choices in Aging: A Qualitative Exploration” in Nurse Education Today.
Mojgan Sami, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “New Syphilis Cases in Older Adults, 2004–2019: An Analysis of Surveillance Data From South China” in Frontiers in Medicine.
Stephanie Vaughn, professor emeritus of nursing, co-authored “Nursing’s Role in Successful Stroke Care Transitions Across the Continuum: From Acute Care Into the Community” in Stroke.
Faculty members from the College of Communications and from CSUF’s Department of Philosophy presented at the fall 2021 National Communication Association annual convention:
- Claudia Anguiano, associate professor of human communication studies, presented “Pandemic Parenthood: On Academic, Latina Motherhood, Exhaustion and the Future.”
- Martina Baldwin, lecturer in cinema and television arts, presented “Owning the Edit: Reality TV and Self-Branding as Surveillance Capitalism.”
- Jon Bruschke, chair and professor of human communication studies, and Andrew Howat, associate professor of philosophy, co-presented “Critical Thinking Instruction for the Post-Truth Era.”
- Tess Buckley ’17 (M.A. human communication studies) co-presented: “Combating the Water Crisis Through Transformative Messaging: An Application of Psychological Reactance Theory and Gain and Loss Framing”; “Renewing Medical Shared Decision-Making: A Grounded Theory Study From the Physicians’ Perspective”; “Predicting Resilience in Caregivers: An Application of the Relational Health Communication Competence Model”; and “‘Like Being Deployed to War’: Nurses’ Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Role of Interpersonal Relationships.”
- Christina Ceisel, associate professor of communications, presented “Saludos Amigos: Disney, the State and the Tourist Gaze.”
- Dana Cloud, lecturer in human communication studies, presented “When Bargaining for a Parking Pass Becomes a Battle: Transforming Higher Education Through Scholar Activism Union Work.”
- Robert Gass, professor emeritus of human communication studies, co-presented “Short Courses 08: Arguing, Reasoning and Thinking Well: Teaching the Basic Argumentation Course in a Post-Fact, Post-Truth Era.”
- Zachary Johnson, associate professor of human communication studies, co-presented “Student Camera Use in Synchronous Classrooms: A Two-Study Exploration of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning’s Embodiment Principle” and “Student-to-Student Confirmation in Online Courses.”
- Jessica Kamrath, assistant professor of human communication studies, co-presented “Is This How You See Me? (Mis) Representations of Women of Color in Media and Impacts on Self-Esteem and Identity Performance.”
- Peter Lee, lecturer in human communication studies, co-presented “Do Intercultural Sensitivity and Global Awareness Reduce Intercultural Communication Anxiety? The Importance of Regulatory Focus.”
- Summer Martin, associate professor of human communication studies, co-presented “The Experience and Communication of Uncertainty Regarding Genetic Testing for the BRCA Mutation.”
- Tara Suwinyattichaiporn, associate professor of human communication studies, presented “Renewing and Transforming the Student-Teacher Interpersonal Relationship in the Era of COVID-19” and “Toward a Global Agenda for Interpersonal Communication Research and Pedagogy.” Suwinyattichaiporn also co-presented “Transforming LGBTQ College Student Mental Health Through Social Support: A Quantitative Study” and “Renewing Sexual Self-Esteem: A Relational Communication Research.”
- Erika Thomas, associate professor of human communication studies, presented “Renewing and Transforming Boundaries: Strategies to Support the Success of Women Academics in the Communication Discipline”; “Transforming to Recognize Men: Images of Pregnant Trans Men as Visual Argument”; and “Rupturing Post-Racial Fantasies: The Rhetorical Politics of Race and American Popular Culture Since the Ferguson Uprisings.”
Heather J. Denyer, assistant professor of theatre and dance, was awarded “Honorable Mention” for the Translation Prize at the American Society for Theatre Research 2021 annual conference for her 2019 translation of Aristide Tarnagda’s play, “Musika,” in PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.
Jule Selbo, professor emeritus of cinema and television arts, had her book “10 Days” appear on the Kirkus Best Indie Thrillers and Mysteries of 2021. The honor is bestowed upon books that have been recognized by Kirkus as standouts in their genre.
Jess Vega-Centeno, assistant professor of communications, contributed a book chapter to “Race in the Marketplace,” which won the 2022 Award for Responsible Research in Marketing co-sponsored by The Sheth Foundation in cooperation with the Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management. The award honors outstanding research that produces both credible and useful knowledge that can be applied to benefit society.
Sherri Wolff, director of the CSUF Speech and Hearing Clinic and lecturer in communication sciences and disorders, received the California Speech Language Hearing Association District 8 Outstanding Achievement Award for her outstanding leadership in the field of communicative disorders.
Faculty and staff may submit announcements of their publications, presentations and honors/awards at fullerton.edu/spotlight/login, which will appear in the new Titan Spotlight feature on the CSUF News page in early 2022.