Cal State Fullerton faculty and staff members received more than $1 million in grants and contracts during the third quarter of the academic year.
Among those grants received between January and March:
Jason Baker, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies and co-director of the Center for Autism: $412,667 from the National Institutes of Health-Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development for “Arousal Tendencies and Individual Differences in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
Valbone Memeti, assistant professor of geological sciences: $186,606 National Science Foundation grant for “Collaborative Research: Testing the Existence of Magma Mush Zones.”
Kiran George, associate professor of computer engineering: $100,000 award from the Disability Communications Fund for “Low-Cost Wireless EOG-Based Electronic Community System for ALP Patients.” Related stories: Grant Funds Communications Device for ALS Patients, Student Research for ALS Patients
Joshua Yang, associate professor of health science: $75,000 from the American Lung Association in California for “Achieving Tobacco-Related Health Equity Among California’s Diverse Populations.” Related story: The Environmental Costs of Tobacco
William Laton, associate professor of geological sciences: $72,500 from the California High-Speed Rail Authority for Task Order #1 of the “Groundwater Study Project.”
David Pagni, professor of mathematics: $70,852 University of California Office of the President award to support the Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project.
Amanda Evans, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $50,000 from the American Chemical Society for “Enz-Flow/Continuous Bioprocessing: Towards a Green Continuous Flow Synthesis of Levomilnacipran.”
Irene Matz, associate professor of human communication studies: $25,000 from the Crevier Family Foundation for “Center for Brand Values, Communication and Research 2015 Project.”
Inez Gonzalez, director of the Latino Communications Initiative: $25,000 Public Relations Society of American Foundation award for the “Latino PRIME Scholar Program.”
Adrian Fleissig, professor of economics: $25,000 award from the California State University Center for California Studies for “Economic Impacts of a Property Assessment Portability Law.”
Kari Knutson Miller, interim associate vice president, international programs and global engagement and dean, University Extended Education: $24,382 from the Partners of the Americas Foundation for “CSUF-UNESP Sorocaba: Bilateral Exchange for Engineering Students.”
Joshua Smith, associate professor of physics: $22,127 Northwestern University award for “INSPIRE: Glitch Zoo: Teaching Citizen Science With Machine Learning to Deepen LIGO’s View of the Cosmos.”
William Gearhart, professor emeritus of mathematics: $20,000 from L-3 Interstate Electronics Corp. for “CSUF Graduate Student Project to Support Analysis and Development of Methods of Signal Processing for Antenna Arrays.”
Yuying Tsong, assistant professor of human services: $15,000 UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute award for “Vietnamese American Older Adults Mental Health Literacy and Help Seeking.”
Edward Knell, associate professor of anthropology: $5,000 from the Lamb Spring Archaeological Preserve for “Cody Complex Lithics at Lamb Spring.”
Reyes Fidelgo, professor of modern languages and literatures: $3,500 award from the Riverside County Office of Education for “Bilingual English/Spanish Training for Riverside County Department of Education.”
Jennifer Burnaford, associate professor of biological science: $2,970 from Tenera Environmental, Inc./California Department of Fish and Game for “Refugio Oil Spill Response Intertidal Monitoring.
Kristijan Kolozvari, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering: $2,500 Degankolf Engineering contract for “Conduct Trial Evaluations of Buildings in California Using ATC-78-3 Methodology” project.
Laura Lohman, director of the Faculty Development Center: $1,000 Well-Being Seminar Grant from the Bringing Theory to Practice Project for “A Faculty Learning Community on Institutionally Responsive Faculty Mentoring.”