Ninth- through 12th-grade students from a dozen area high schools are strengthening their business knowledge and acumen in preparation for the Saturday, April 16, Financial Literacy, Business and Economics Olympiad sponsored by Cal State Fullerton’s Center for Economic Education.
Participants, either individually or in teams, will compete in up to five events designed to develop and demonstrate their understanding of key business and personal finance concepts critical to survival in today’s economy: a stock market simulation, a business plan contest, a financial literacy video competition and quizzes on financial literacy/personal finance knowledge and economics and business news.
“We purposely created a multifaceted Olympiad with components of business, finance and economics, in much the same way that there are area math and science Olympiads,” said Radha Bhattacharya, director of the CSUF Center for Economic Education. “And we targeted students from low-income area high schools, who may not be able to travel to compete in national competitions, but can have the experience right here.”
As part of the effort, the center is sending out student mentors to some of the high schools to help get students interested in the contest and to support them in their efforts through weekend workshops, said Bhattacharya.
The stock market contest will run seven to eight weeks, concluding Friday, April 8; business plan entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, April 10; and financial video entries by 11:59 p.m. Friday, April 8. The top five entrants in the stock market and business plans will be named as finalists and will give additional presentations the day of the Olympiad; the top 10 videos will be chosen for presentation, as well. Other contests will run April 16, when overall and each competition’s winners will be announced.
The Olympiad, co-sponsored by Mihaylo College of Business and Economics, begins with 8:30 a.m. early check-in in Portola Pavilions of the Titan Student Union. Competitions kick off at 9 a.m. in various locations in the student union. Awards and the closing ceremony will be held at 12:20 p.m. A full schedule is available online.
The Center for Economic Education was established to promote economic and financial literacy in K-12 schools, working on a practical and applied level with the National Council for Economic Education statewide and nationally. In addition to the Olympiad, the center offers a Youth Economic Empowerment Program, a Financial Fitness Camp and stock market simulations, as well as training programs and online curriculum materials for K-12 educators.
For additional information, contact Radha Bhattacharya, 657-278-3652.
Media Contact: Pamela McLaren, 657-278-4852