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How a Wales Study Abroad Program Transformed a Student’s View of Theatre

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Studying abroad is an opportunity for students to step outside their comfort zone and find new experiences outside the bubble of familiarity they live in. For Rebecca Jauregui, a theatre major at Cal State Fullerton, she recognized the value of this opportunity when she chose to study abroad in Wales. Spending time in Wales changed her perspective of work/life balance and transformed the way she viewed her field of study.

Jauregui’s journey in theatre began well before her time at CSUF. After graduating high school in 2019, she attended the American Musical and Dramatic Academy and went on to complete the acting academy at Los Angeles City College. She transferred to CSUF to pursue a theatre degree with a minor in entertainment and hospitality management.

“Before I even accepted my offer from CSUF, I knew I wanted a study abroad experience,” said Jauregui. “I felt ready to explore more of the world, so I reached out to the Study Abroad and Global Engagement office and asked if there were any programs for theatre students.”

With guidance from the SAGE team, Jauregui discovered a unique program in Wales that aligned with her major and interests. “I applied for the program, and the rest is history,” she said.

One of the key factors in Jauregui’s experience was applying and becoming a recipient of the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, which aims to help students with limited financial means pursue a study abroad program. This financial support allowed Jauregui to cover much of the cost of her trip to Wales.

“Because of that scholarship, I was able to go on essentially a full ride. It covered everything —housing, transportation, food and supplies, including a thermos and warm clothes. The Cal State Fullerton tuition transferred over, and FAFSA covered most of my tuition. Thanks to the Gilman scholarship, I can say I got a full ride to study abroad in the United Kingdom, which is something not many people can say. I’m very honored to be one of the few who can,” said Jauregui.

Jauregui spent four months abroad, studying at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. She built her artist portfolio, networked with fellow theatre students and gained a new perspective on the craft.

“The theatre process in Wales is much slower and more deliberate than America. While our productions rehearse every day for three months, they might rehearse for six months or even a year, meeting only once or twice a week. They truly appreciate theatre there,” said Jauregui.

This taught Jauregui to slow down from the hustle-driven culture she is used to, and truly appreciate the roots of acting and theatre. She brought the lessons she learned in Wales back to the U.S.

“Instead of looking at a production calendar and panicking because I only have two weeks until opening night, I want to take time to prepare thoughtfully and ground myself. Because how can we produce quality art if we’re not grounded ourselves?” said Jauregui.

Following her study abroad experience, Jauregui’s main focus is completing her bachelor’s degree and graduating in spring 2025.

“After six years in school, I’m ready to jump into the industry,” said Jauregui.

She’s also working on a project to raise awareness of study abroad programs for theatre students, particularly first-generation and low-income students. She’ll be tabling at various events around campus, such as the First-Gen Resource Fair, to bring attention to these opportunities and encourage other students to begin their journey.

When giving advice to students about studying abroad, she said, “Just do it! Apply and see what happens. Studying abroad was life-changing. Don’t get tunnel visioned into one culture. There are different ways to work, and there are different ways of life out there.”

To learn more about study abroad opportunities for CSUF students, visit the Study Abroad and Global Engagement website.

Charis Hill