“Leading Through a Disruptive Business Environment” is the focus of the 16th annual Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) “Hot Topics” conference sponsored CSUF’sCenter for Corporate Reporting and Governance. The Friday, Sept. 15, program will be held at the Irvine Marriott, and tickets are now on sale.
The daylong event draws CFOs, auditors, accountants, lawyers, academics and financial experts to participate in and hear updates directly from regulators at the SEC, Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Panel talk topics include risk management, regulations and corporate governance, tax reform and the real estate market.
Students studying at the Mihaylo College of Business and Economicshelped plan the event and schedule speakers. They will help with registration at the event, and many will attend the conference and write papers to submit in their business courses, said Vivek Mande, chair of the Accounting Department and director of the Center for Corporate Reporting and Governance.
Alexis Crow, the geopolitical investing team lead at PricewaterhouseCoopers, will deliver the keynote address. Other speakers include: Joseph Cruz, international tax partner at Ernst & Young; Emily Fitts, professional accounting fellow in the office of the chief accountant at the SEC; Miek Harbur, general counsel for The New Home Co.; and Jeff Kummer, managing director at Deloitte.
A table of 10 at the event is $3,600, a half table is $1,800 and an individual ticket is $400. The fee includes a continental breakfast, lunch and reception. Register online for the conference. For the webcast, hosted in coordination with CalCPA, register here.
Media Contacts:
Vivek Mande, Center for Corporate Reporting and Governance, 657-278-7659
Paula Selleck, 657-278-4856