What can twins tells us about human nature? What happens when you add a female voice to the writers’ table in Hollywood? What does it take to climb Mount Everest while battling a rare and incurable disease?
Over the years, Cal State Fullerton faculty and alumni have shared inspiring stories and research at TED events around the world. Their talks, covering a range of topics from psychology and business to eSports and entertainment, continue to provoke thought, discussion and change.
“Twins: A Window Into Human Nature” (TEDx Manhattan Beach, 2017)
Nancy L. Segal, author, professor of psychology and director of the Twin Studies Center, draws from her twin research to illuminate the important role genes play in decision-making and behavior.
“eSports, the Future of Competition” (TEDx UC Irvine, 2017)
Mark Deppe ’16 (MBA), acting director of UCI’s eSports program, explores the growing field of online gaming and its impact on the world of competitive sports.
“A Female Voice in the Room” (TEDx Cal Poly Pomona, 2016)
Rosanne Welch, lecturer in cinema and television arts, advocates for including female voices in Hollywood and in the classroom.
“Reasonable Doubt” (TEDx Ghent Salon, 2015)
Michael Shermer ’78 (M.A. psychology), publisher and editor-in-chief of Skeptic magazine, discusses how science and reason lead humanity toward truth, justice and freedom. His other TED Talks include “How Science and Reason Make the World Better” (2014), “The Pattern Behind Self-Deception” (2010) and “Why People Believe Weird Things” (2006).
“Clothes that Save Lives” (TEDx Youth Zurich, 2015)
Hector Alvarez ’05 (B.A. business administration-information systems) explains how his clothing company, beyondBeanie, works to improve the living conditions of artisans and children in Bolivia.
“Ten Feet at a Time” (TEDx Redondo Beach, 2014)
Cindy Abbott ’93, ’96 (B.A. physical education, M.S. kinesiology), lecturer emeritus of health science, shares her journey summiting Mount Everest and completing the 1,050-mile Alaskan Iditarod Sled Dog Race — both while living with Wegener’s granulomatosis, a rare disorder characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels and leading to functional blindness in her left eye and compromised vision in her right.