Preparing Teens for Higher Ed
Cal State Fullerton has been awarded a $100,000 grant from Orange County United Way to provide college-exposure programming for middle and high school students participating in the Destination Graduation program.
Cal State Fullerton has been awarded a $100,000 grant from Orange County United Way to provide college-exposure programming for middle and high school students participating in the Destination Graduation program.
The Pollak Library will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the popular science fiction epic “Dune” this fall with a speaker series, an exhibition titled “Dune: From Print to Cinema and Beyond,” film screenings and a costume contest.
A drone, formula-style race car, Baja racer, Mars rover, hands-free crutch, Disney bolt inspection system and all-in-one 3D printer are among the more than 20 innovative capstone, senior design and collegiate competition projects to be highlighted May 7 at the Engineering and Computer Science Student Projects Showcase and Awards.
University Police launches a campus outreach program called Encouraging a Positive and Interactive Community (EPIC).
Alexandro Gradilla, chair and associate professor of Chicana and Chicano studies, will be featured in the Soul Rebel Radio show at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 4, on KPFK 90.7 FM.
A new program will offer families an educational experience working together for a healthier lifestyle, while providing practical, hands-on training for university students considering community health promotion careers.
The public administration major is one of 23 recipients of the 2015-16 CSU Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement, awarded each year to those students who demonstrate superior academic performance, personal accomplishments, community service and financial need.
Students are developing an electronic communication system to enable ALS patients to access the Internet and communicate via email, text document, chat or Skype using thoughts, facial expressions and head movements.
Two evacuation drills will be held on campus in September.
Biological science majors spent their summer exploring the ecological and environmental issues affecting ocean animal and plant life.