The Fraternity and Sorority Life chapters and councils of Cal State Fullerton came together in a big way for Greek Week 2024, raising $10,268 and collecting 10,499 donated items for the campus community.
The four councils — including National Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council and National Pan-Hellenic Council — dedicated the week of March 18-22 to fundraise and seek donations for select CSUF community partners.
Led by students, the grassroot efforts included donation booth tabling, an alumni tailgate ahead of a CSUF baseball game, craft fair, kickball tournament and lively Family Feud style gameshow competition. Donations were collected at each event. Student leaders also established a partnership with Panda Express for a dine-out night, with a percentage of the purchased food proceeds going to Fraternity and Sorority Life’s fundraising efforts.
The $10,268 raised, which surpassed the 2024 fundraising goal by $7,500, was given to CSUF’s Associated Students Inc. Children’s Center. The funds will assist the center in building a state-of-the-art shade structure on their playground so that children can enjoy a shaded outdoor space during the hot summer months.
Meanwhile, the 10,499 donation items, which included canned food items, hygiene products, and new and gently worn clothing items, were distributed accordingly among the ASI Food Pantry, Basic Needs Services Center and Losquadro Keller LGBTQ Resource Center Gender Affirming Closet.
Each year, Greek Week is held at Cal State Fullerton to foster unity and strengthen the relationships among Fraternity and Sorority chapters and councils as well as departments across the university. Greek Week rests on the pillars of service, philanthropy, brotherhood and sisterhood.
Greek Week 2024 was the first year where all four councils collaborated toward a unified cause.