Associated Students Inc. at Cal State Fullerton received a $5,000 California ReLeaf Arbor Week grant to enhance greenery at the Children’s Center, with a community tree-planting event scheduled for March 8 from 9 a.m. to noon.
The grant, sponsored by Southern California Edison, supports efforts to engage community-based organizations in tree-planting activities throughout California during Arbor Week. The goal of the program is to increase green spaces, improve air quality and provide shade for communities.
The Children’s Center will benefit from the grant by giving CSUF’s tiniest Titans a comfortable place outside to play and grow.
“The trees will beautify and add natural shade to our outdoor meadow area,” said Lydia Palacios, director of the Children’s Center. “They will add natural beauty to a currently empty space.”
ASI was one of 10 recipients of the Arbor Week Grant, which is also supported by Cal Fire and the U.S. Forest Service. California ReLeaf awards the grant to nonprofit organizations in the Southern California Edison service area.
“This grant will help us create a greener, more sustainable space for our kids now and for generations to come,” said Joe Morales, ASI president.
California Arbor Week runs March 7-14 every year to mark famed horticulturist Luther Burbank’s birthday.
Titans interested in volunteering to plant trees can sign up online, or contact Aaron Tapper, ASI assistant director of strategic initiatives, at atapper@fullerton.edu.