The Patrons and Emeriti Book Sale Center end-of-semester sale will take place May 8-11 (M-Th), from noon to 5 p.m. each day. There are three ways to save: 1) half-off all items, 2) fill a smaller bag for $5 or a larger bag for $10 (bags provided by the Book Sale Center). The Book Sale Center sells used books (nonfiction and fiction), magazines, CDs, sheet music, and DVDs. It is located in PLS-190, at the southeast corner of the Pollak Library; it is only accessible from the quad, that is, outside the library.
We accept donations of books (nonfiction and fiction), National Geographic and Life magazines, CDs, sheet music, and DVDs. Donations can be brought to the Book Sale Center when it is open (noon – 5 p.m., M-Th, when classes are in session during the fall and spring semesters, that is, the first 15 weeks of each 16-week semester), or you can make arrangements with Scott Hewitt (shewitt@fullerton.edu) to make a donation at other times or days of the year.
The main purpose of the Book Sale Center is to raise funds for the Pollak Library, specifically for Special Collections, as well as to get low-priced, used books into the hands of CSUF students and the broader campus community. This year, funds went towards starting the first U.S. Latinx science fiction collection, a project that is being led by Professor David Sandner from the Department of English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics.