Cal State Fullerton’s Career Center invites all campus and academic departments to participate in the Part-Time and Seasonal Job Fair on Sept. 19 from 3-5:30 p.m. in the Titan Student Union.
This event provides campus partners the opportunity to promote their student assistant positions to students in attendance. The Career Center will accommodate the first 12 departments to sign up free of charge.
Tables and chairs will be provided. It’s recommended that participants bring a table cover, flyers and handouts that explain current opportunities, and any other items to showcase at the table.
This event will be promoted to students in all majors and class years, including undergraduate and graduate students, and is open to the public.
Fill out the Career Center’s online form to register for the event. Select “Register as an Employer” to proceed through the form and elect the “Check” option on the payment screen to receive the fee waiver.
For questions, please contact Lorraine Rigoli, Career Center events specialist, at lrigoli@fullerton.edu or 657-278-2135.