The Journal of Lesbian Studies, housed at Cal State Fullerton is supported by a dedicated and creative team of student editors. In collaboration with faculty members at two other CSU campuses, Stacy Macias of California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) and Liliana Gonzales of California State University Northridge (CSUN), our students helped produce a special issue on the classic (now out of print) anthology, Chicana Lesbians: Girls our Mother Warned Us About. This special issue replete with art, poetry, testimonials, and scholarly research articles is currently open access on the journal’s website through the month of October. Read it here:
Also, members of CSUF student editorial team, Jayla Pena and Jasmine Ramirez, produced a podcast interview featuring Stacy Macias ( CSULB) and Anahi Russo Garrido (Metropolitan State University of Denver). The podcast explores the complex linguistic and cultural journey of terms like lesbian and queer as they travel from the US to Mexico, getting twisted into new forms through the process. The episode also discusses lesboterrorism and how the Mexican lesbian movement can inform queer communities in the global north. Have a listen at http://t.ly/g573o