As the official counseling honors society at Cal State Fullerton, Chi Sigma Iota: Kappa Omega Chapter has undergone a significant transformation in recent months. CSI positively represents advocacy, excellence and community building for CSUF students. Through dedicated efforts, the club has not only revived its programming, but also doubled its membership.
In addition to this growth, the organization is using its platform to engage in social justice endeavors. As CSUF strives to hold space for diverse communities and strives for further equity, CSI exhibits student advocacy and community-building efforts within the school. The society aims to enhance the counseling student experience by offering free workshops. The club has also created several new opportunities for leadership, mentorship and advocacy that embody CSUF’s mission. Last year, CSI tabled at an event called Advocacy for Palestine, showing solidarity and distributing resources. CSI will offer a workshop in November with CSUF faculty member Jason Branch to demystify the process for applying to Ph.D. programs. CSI also plans to offer professional development for students applying to counseling positions and practicum positions to prepare them for interviews and application processes.
CSI’s mission is to provide counseling students with the tools and support they need to become excellent, socially conscious professionals who are equipped to create positive change in their communities. CSI’s reach allows for more CSUF students to engage in workshops and take part in a vibrant and social justice-oriented community.