Kay ’77 (B.A. earth science) and Brian ’79 (B.A. earth science) Pitts established a $1 million endowment to support a rotating professorship in the Department of Geological Sciences.
“CSUF gave me the fundamentals needed for a career in geology, and my most significant mentor at CSUF was John Cooper. Cooper was a geologist at Shell before coming to CSUF, and he gave us important skills and insight into the industry. He encouraged us to join the student chapter of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and attend seminars and conventions. His mentorship in this area and encouragement was probably the single greatest influence on my career because of the networking and opportunities AAPG offered,” said Kay.
“Geology is cool,” said Kay. “Go on all the field trips that you can. Seeing and touching the rocks and geologic features in real life cannot be replicated. Get involved in the department, school and whatever industry you work in.”
Kay and Brian said they hope the faculty will continue to encourage students in all of the above and stay involved in the field themselves.
“That is where the geologists of tomorrow get their start — through an enthusiastic faculty member,” said Kay.
“Rotating the endowed professorship gives the department more flexibility in hiring, retaining and recognizing professors,” added Kay. “We want to see the Department of Geological Sciences continue to inspire students and have an enthusiastic, dedicated faculty.”
Read more in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics’ TraNSMission community news site.