Pollak Library’s Faculty Noontime Talks continue April 11 with Gregory X. Whitmore, assistant professor music, and William Tonissen, symphonic and marching band director at White Plains High School in Westchester County, New York.
Their presentation is entitled “Are you on the list? Diversity and Representation of Music Festival Composer Lists: An Investigation.” This noontime talk examines their research, asking, in part, “Do high school music students see themselves reflected in the composers whose compositions music educators’ select to perform in concert?” Viewed through the eyes of student musicians participating in high school band programs in the United States, their study explores adjudicated band festival composer lists in the United States. This investigation was focused into the depths of diversity and inclusion of the composers whose pieces appear as required performance programming for participating ensembles.
If you are interested in this presentation, please email libadmin@fullerton.edu for Zoom information.