The emerging field of biotechnology is opening doors to many diverse career opportunities for women. What kinds of careers are available? What companies are hiring? What skills do you need to qualify? What education is required for these jobs? What if I don’t have any experience in this field?
All of these questions and more will be answered at a free webinar, “Empowering Women for Careers in Biotechnology,” hosted by Cal State Long Beach.
The webinar will take place via Zoom on Thursday, Aug. 24 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. A panel of industry experts will discuss the growing opportunities for women in biotechnology and biomanufacturing. Guest speakers will include:
- Vicki Brannock, director of workforce strategy and innovation, Biocom California Institute
- Colleen M. Byrnes, vice president and site head, Grifols Biologicals LLC
- Angela de la Fuente, vice president, research and development, Edwards Lifesciences
- Paulina Fonville, fellowship program manager, Biocam California Institute
- Nicolette Pollock, Ph.D., scientist, bioproduct research and development, Eli Lilly and Co.
- Samantha Sale, human resources director, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
This webinar is part of the CSU Biomanufacturing Consortium, a collaborative effort between Cal State Fullerton, Cal State LA, Cal State Long Beach and the Biocom California Institute to address the growing need for biomanufacturing technicians in Southern California.
The three CSU campuses joined together with Biocom California Institute to develop the Biomanufacturing Sciences and Applications (BSA) program, designed to prepare individuals for entry-level positions in biomanufacturing in just six months. Biocom California Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 2008 by Biocom California, the advocate for California’s life science sector. Their mission is to develop and promote a skilled and diverse pipeline of talent to accelerate the growth of California’s life science ecosystem. They collaborate with the life science industry, government, nonprofits, community college systems, institutions of higher education and other stakeholders to meet and anticipate the workforce needs of the life science community and to promote the advancement of life science talent throughout the world.
To learn more about the BSA program, visit extension.fullerton.edu/professionaldevelopment/bsa
To RSVP for Cal State Long Beach’s webinar, visit csulb.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_E2OObhh-SEmUaO-x1Wi0ig#/registration