The College of Communications invites the campus community to the 45th annual Comm Week conference to be held in the Titan Student Union, April 24-27.
Attendees will have an opportunity to learn from and network with industry professionals through various presentations and panels.
Over 60 professionals are scheduled to provide their knowledge and advice to those interested in communications careers. Highlighted speakers include Tony Saavedra (investigative reporter for the Orange County Register), Samantha Traches (tourist sales specialist for The Walt Disney Company), Shawntavia Ross (co-lead of audience strategy for Amazon Studios) and Hiba Bary (news desk associate producer for Entertainment Tonight).
Presentations will cover an array of topics including advertising, entertainment, journalism, marketing, public relations, broadcasting, communicative disorders, career development and human communications. Most events are free and open to the public.
Organizations and activities participating in Comm Week 2023 include Titan Radio, ETC (event is for members only), AdClub, NABJ, Black CommUnity, STANCE, AAC, AAJA, NAHJ, LCI, Intercollegiate Forensics and the Latino Journalists of CSUF.
For the event schedule and latest updates on Comm Week 2023, please visit fullerton.edu/commweek. Comm Week is also on Instagram @csufcommweek.
Comm Week 2023 is organized and produced by the Comm Week task force, composed of students enrolled in the COMM 497T Event Planning & Management course, advised by Professor Waleed Rashidi.