Cal State Fullerton’s Academic Senate leadership for the 2024-25 academic year includes new and returning members. Most were elected during the electoral meeting on May 16, while two additional members were elected to fill vacant seats during the first meeting of the academic year on Aug. 29. The executive committee consists of the following members:
- Chair: Matthew Jarvis, associate professor of political science
- Vice Chair: Stacy Mallicoat, professor of criminal justice and director of the University Honors Program
- Secretary: Carolina Valdez, associate professor of elementary and bilingual education
- Treasurer: Su Swarat, senior associate vice president for institutional effectiveness and planning and accreditation liaison officer
Serving on the executive committee are members at-large:
- Greg Childers, professor of physics and director of General Education Program
- Michele Wood, chair and professor of public health
- Nina Garcia, chief of operations for human resources, diversity and inclusion
Serving on the Academic Senate of the California State University are:
- Alexandro Gradilla, associate professor of Chicana and Chicano studies
- Kristi Kanel, professor of human services
- Michael Milligan, lecturer in finance
The Academic Senate develops, formulates, and reviews educational and professional policy that becomes university policy if approved by the CSUF president. Besides faculty members, its membership includes administrators, two representatives from Associated Students Inc. and two staff members.