Five Cal State Fullerton faculty members recently received honors in recognition of their research and their knowledge from healthcare to business.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has appointed Sora Tanjasiri, chair and professor of health science, to the Health Disparities and Equity Promotion Study Section of the Center for Scientific Review. In this role, she will contribute to the national biomedical research effort by reviewing grant applications, making recommendations to the NIH national advisory council or board, and surveying the status of research in this field. Her six-year term runs from July 1 through June 30, 2022.
Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. has reappointed Leah Brew, chair and professor of counseling, to the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. She has served on this board since 2012. This position requires Senate confirmation.
Beverly Quaye, assistant professor of nursing, was named the 2016 president of the Association of California Nurse Leaders, a nonprofit professional organization representing nurse leaders in hospitals, health systems, academia, research and business. “The opportunity to represent over 1,400 leaders to advance professional practice from across the continuum of care is very humbling,” said Quaye. “It is essential that the nursing community create new knowledge and innovation that adds value in its commitment to change and to keep pace with health care reform challenges.”
Randy Hoffman, lecturer in accounting, is this year’s recipient of the Outstanding Accounting Educator Award from the California Society of CPAs. The award recognizes contributions to accounting education from demonstrated excellence in teaching and/or endeavors in research over a sustained period of time. In 2011, Hoffman created a hybrid course that involved discussions and small group work in class with lectures and exercises online. The pass rate for “Managerial Accounting” — needed by all business administration majors — increased from 57 to 80 percent and was recognized as an exemplary hybrid/online course in the California State University’s Quality Online Learning and Teaching program. In 2015, Hoffman, Betty Chavis and Glen Hatton were recognized for innovative course design by the American Accounting Association.
Gregory “Chris” Brown, associate professor of criminal justice, was awarded a 2016 Ambassador of Peace Award by the Violence Prevention Coalition of Orange Country. The honor is in recognition of Brown’s work with the Southern California Cease Fire Committee and efforts to end gang violence.