Fundraising and board development techniques are the first topics for a new, eight-lecture series hosted by the Gianneschi Center for Nonprofit Research beginning Sept. 24.
Zoot Velasco, the center’s director, will give the talks in the G3X Lecture Series, but guest speakers might participate in future talks about volunteer recruitment, leadership and conflict resolution, he said.
The series continues conversations on topics addressed during the center’s G3X Conference in August, which was formerly known as the center’s Summer School for Nonprofits. The 3Xs hint at the theme of ”Creating eXciting, eXcellent and eXempt organizations,” through nonprofit best practices, leadership and innovation.
The following lectures are offered monthly through May 2019, excluding December, from 6 to 9 p.m. in Room 403A of Langsdorf Hall:
- Sept. 24 “Do It Yourself Fundraising”
- Oct. 22 “Board Development and Training”
The lectures are free for CSUF students and faculty. The cost for individual lectures is $20. And parking is additional. Guests can purchase an annual membership for $360, which includes the eight lectures and next year’s G3X Conference. An organizational membership is $864, and includes the lecture series and conference attendance for three members of the organizational team. The rates are introductory and might change as the program builds momentum.
Purchase tickets for the event here.