Cal State Fullerton faculty have contributed to a wide range of scholarly endeavors covering topics from how Victorian literature should be taught in the age of the #MeToo movement to the role video games play in imprinting aggressive, gun-related behaviors. These are the publications, presentations and awards submitted during August 2020.
Lana Dalley, professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics, co-edited a special issue of the journal Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies. The issue focuses on
“Victorian Literature in the Age of #MeToo.”
Anthony Distefano, professor of public health, co-authored “Social Correlates of Recent Suicidal Ideation Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Greater Tokyo” in Sexuality Research and Social Policy.
Peter S. Evanow, lecturer in communications, published the Nissan-official book “Nissan Z: 50 Years of Exhilarating Performance.”
Miya Williams Fayne, assistant professor of communications, published “The Great Digital Migration: Exploring What Constitutes the Black Press Online” in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
Andrew Galpin, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Moving Human Muscle Physiology Research Forward: An Evaluation of Fiber Type-specific Protein Research Methodologies” in the American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology.
Tala Khanmalek, assistant professor of women and gender studies, co-authored “A Decolonial Feminist Epistemology of the Bed: A Compendium Incomplete of Sick and Disabled Queer Brown Femme Bodies of Knowledge” in Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies.
Joyce Lin, assistant professor of child and adolescent studies, co-authored “The Home Numeracy Environment and Measurement of Numeracy Performance in English and Spanish in Dual Language Learners” in Topics in Early Childhood Special Education.
Matthew Llewellyn, professor of kinesiology, and Toby Rider, associate professor of kinesiology, co-wrote “Dennis Brutus and the South African Non-racial Olympic Committee in Exile, 1966-70″ in the South African Historical Journal.
Robert Lockie, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Postactivation Performance Enhancement of Concentric Bench Press Throw After Eccentric-only Conditioning Exercise” in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research; “The 75-Yard Pursuit Run Performed by Law Enforcement Recruits — Percentile Rankings and Implications for Training” in the National Strength and Conditioning Association Report; and “Importance of Ability-based Training for Law Enforcement Recruits” in the Strength and Conditioning Journal.
Scott Lynn, professor of kinesiology, co-authored “Foot Rotation Gait Modifications Affect Hip and Ankle, But Not Knee, Stance Phase Joint Reaction Forces During Running” in the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering.
Tabashir Nobari, assistant professor of public health, co-authored “Longitudinal Trajectories of Adiposity-related Measures From Age 2-5 Years in a Population of Low-income Hispanic Children” in Pediatric Research.
Waleed Rashidi, assistant professor of communications, published a chapter titled “What Do We Do With These CDs? Transitional Experiences From Physical Music Media Purchases to Streaming Service Subscriptions” in the book, “Spotification of Popular Culture in the Field of Popular Communication.” Rashidi also published the article “In the Shadow of Los Angeles: A Review of Local and Regional Press Coverage of the Inland Empire’s Contemporary Music Scenes, Before Coachella” in the journal Popular Music and Society.
Shanara Reid-Brinkley, assistant professor of human communication studies, published a chapter titled “Debating While Black: Wake Work in Black Youth Politics” in the book “The Future is Black: Afropessimism, Fugitivity and Radical Hope in Education.”
Daniela Rubin, professor of kinesiology, and Kathleen Wilson, associate professor of kinesiology, co-authored “A 24-week Physical Activity Intervention Increases Bone Mineral Content Without Changes in Bone Markers in Youth With Prader-Willi Syndrome” in Genes. Wilson also co-authored “The Relationship Between Self-regulatory Efficacy and Physical Activity in Adolescents With a Caveat: A Cross-lag Design Examining Weather” in Pediatric Exercise Science.
Jason Shepard, chair and professor of communications, published “Deepfakes Ban a Puzzler” and “California Cops Threaten Local Reporting Watchdogs” in California Publisher.
Karen Stocker, professor of anthropology, published a new book titled
“Millennial Movements: Positive Social Change in Urban Costa Rica.”
Doug Swanson, professor of communications, published his 2018 sabbatical research “Perceptions of Mindfulness Among Public Relations Professionals and Students: Similarities, Differences and Implications for Undergraduate Career Preparation” in the Journal of Public Relations Education.
Ofir Turel, professor of information systems and decision sciences, co-authored
“Snapchat vs. Facebook: Differences in Problematic Use, Behavior Change Attempts and Trait Social Reward Preferences” in Addictive Behaviors Reports. He also published the article “Videogames and Guns in Adolescents: Tests of a Bipartite Theory” in Computers in Human Behavior.
Ricardo Valencia, assistant professor of communications, co-authored
“Navigating #ObamainCuba: How Twitter Mediates Frames and History in Public Diplomacy” in the Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy.
Jesus Ayala, lecturer in communications, moderated a webinar titled “Journalism and Mental Health” sponsored by the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma.
Miya Williams Fayne, assistant professor of communications, presented two papers titled “The Blackish Press: Examining the White Gaze on Entertainment in Digital Black Press Outlets” and “Expanding the Necessary Means: An Examination of Advocacy Conceptions in the 21st Century Black Press” at the International Communication Association conference.
Pratanu Ghosh, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, was invited as an eminent speaker at the Aug. 13 Indian Concrete Institute expert webinar series, conducted by JSW Cement (the 9th largest cement company in India), ICI Bengaluru Chapter and ICI Kolkata Chapter. He shared his research on emerging non-destructive, smart concrete technology and eco-friendly sustainable cement materials as a durable solution to building concrete infrastructure, such as bridges and highways.
Penchan Phoborisut, assistant professor of communications, presented “Reimagining the Practice of Citizenship: The Visual of the Unruly Youth in Thailand” at UC Berkeley’s Center for Southeast Asian Students.
Jason Shepard, chair and professor of communications, presented “Media Law Update 2020” at the Journalism Association of Community Colleges conference.
Several faculty members were involved with the virtual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication:
- Elise Anguizola Assaf, assistant professor of communications, presented “Mental Health as a Burden: Journalistic Representations of Mental Illness on Family, Society and the Individual”
- Gayle Brisbane, assistant professor of communications, had a paper accepted titled “It’s All Yellow Journalism Now: How White Evangelical Christian Women’s Contempt of Mainstream Media Contributes to Their Support of Politician Donald J. Trump.”
- Miya Williams Fayne, assistant professor of communications, served as a panelist on “A Lasting Impact: The End of Ebony and Jet Magazines and Implications for the Media Industry and Media Scholarship.” She also presented “Making Lemonade: How Black Women Journalists Are Leading Change and Creating Their Own Space.”
- Chelsea Reynolds, assistant professor of communications, moderated “Historic Media Coverage of LGBTQ Issues: San Francisco and Other Key ‘Places,'” and served as a panelist for “Creating and Empowering: Women’s Magazines as a Teaching Tool” and “Queering Methods: Exploring the Emerging Topics and Research Methodologies in the Queer Digital Space.”
- Frank Russell, associate professor of communications, co-organized and co-facilitated a developmental workshop for recipients of the AEJMC Presidential Diversity and Inclusion Career Development Fellowship for Graduate Students.
- Jason Shepard, chair and professor of communications, served as a speaker on two panels: “Inclusivity and Teaching Sensitive Topics” and “Political Speech on Campus/Online and Marginalized Students — Preparing for the 2020 Election.”
- Cylor Spaulding, assistant professor of communications, moderated the panel “Discerning a New Paradigm between Identification and Activism — Public Relations as Co-creation of Meaning.” He also served as a panelist on “Public Relations and Religion: Nonprofit Religious Advocacy and Media Relations.”
- Doug Swanson, professor of communications, served as a panelist for “Student-run Integrated Media Agencies: Perspectives and Best Practices.” He also presented two papers: “The Untapped Potential for Mindful Awareness in the Public Relations Workplace” and “Mindfully Preparing Generation Z Undergraduates for Communication Workplace Realities.” The latter won second place Top Paper honors.
Eddy Francisco Alvarez Jr., assistant professor of Chicana and Chicano studies, was featured in “The 41 List,” which celebrates 41 Latinx LGBTQ role models. The list is compiled by Honor 41, a national nonprofit organization that promotes awareness and positive images of the Latinx LGBTQ community.
Sagil James, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is a recipient of the 2020 Distinguished Faculty Advisor Award from SME (formerly the Society of Manufacturing Engineers). As faculty adviser to the student chapter, James uses his expertise to integrate real-world design projects and research lab experiences to expose students to manufacturing careers and develop a skilled workforce. James also received the award in 2019.
Tala Khanmalek, assistant professor of women and gender studies, was selected to join the American Studies Association’s Critical Ethnic Studies Committee for a three-year term from 2021-24.
Yuying Tsong, associate professor of human services, received fellow status in the American Psychological Association for her outstanding contribution to the field of psychology, effective January 2021.
Submit publications, presentations, awards or honors for this monthly roundup to newssubmissions@fullerton.edu.
Contact: Karen Lindell, klindell@fullerton.edu