Cal State Fullerton faculty and staff were awarded close to $3.8 million in funding during the period January to March 2021. Supported projects explore such topics as immigration status and crime, vaping among young adults in Orange County and cultivating diverse teacher leaders in California.
Stephanie Vaughn, professor emeritus of nursing and project director of EMBRACE: $494,061 from Health Resources and Services Administration for the “EMBRACE: Enrichment Markers of Better Relationships, Academics and Cultural Enhancement” project
Related: EMBRACE Promotes Cultural Sensitivity, Workforce Diversity in Nursing
Lidia Nuño, assistant professor of criminal justice: $462,165 from the U.S. Department of Justice for the project titled “Assessing the Relationship Between Immigration Status, Crime, Gang Affiliation and Victimization”
Lilivao Tautolo, director of the student support services program: $348,002 from the U.S. Department of Education for the “Student Support Services” project
Gina Passante, associate professor of physics: $347,901 from the National Science Foundation for the project titled “Connecting S Pins-First Quantum Mechanics Instruction to Quantum Information Science”
Doina Bein, associate professor of computer science: $323,807 from Northeastern University for the “Center for Inclusive Computing” project
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Joshua Smith, professor of physics: $295,759 in total
- $159,934 from the National Science Foundation for the project titled “Acquisition of a Cryogenic Testbed for Advancing Gravitational-Wave Observation Technology”
- $135,825 from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for the project titled “Data Handling and Analysis Infrastructure for Gravitational-Wave Astronomy”
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Michael Groves, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry: $201,154 in total
- $185,149 from the National Science Foundation for the “Understanding the Electrochemical Properties of Physical Hole Defects on Functionalized B/C 2D Materials for the 2E- Reduction of O2 to H2O2” project
- $16,005 from the American Chemical Society for “Calculating Reaction Barriers for Benzene Hydroxylation to Phenol Using Graphene-Based Catalysts”
Joshua Yang, professor of public health: $167,552 in total
- $140,669 from the University of California San Diego for the project titled “Digital Mixed Methods to Identify and Characterize Vaping Illness in Young Adults in California”
- $26,883 from the Regent of the University of California, Irvine for the project titled “VAMOS: Vaping Among Multicultural Orange County Students”
Michele Wood, chair and professor of public health: $149,999 in total
- $99,999 from the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey for the project titled “Testing the Effects of Increased Message Specificity for Earthquake Early Warning: Collaborative Research with CSU Fullerton and University at Albany”
- $50,000 from The Research Foundation for SUNY, University at Albany for the project titled “Public Response to the 2019 Searles Valley Earthquake Sequence and Shake Alert”
David Pagni, professor of mathematics: $121,515 in total funding
- $83,515 from the Regents of University of California, San Diego for the project titled “CSU/UC Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project”
- $38,000 from the Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles for the “California Mathematics Project at CSU Fullerton”
Alison Dover, associate professor of secondary education: $120,929 from the Spencer Foundation for the project titled “Language, Equity and Action Research With Newcomer Students”
Related: Grant Supports Newcomer Program to Give Immigrant Teenage Students a Voice
Brittany Eghaneyan, assistant professor of social work: $99,942 from Mind OC for the project titled “Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service Provision in Orange County, California: Developing a Comprehensive Portrait”
María Soledad Ramírez, associate professor of biological science: $106,500 from the National Institutes of Health for the project titled “Identifying Host Human Products Responsible for Natural Transformation of Resistance Traits in Acinetobacter Baumannii”
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Deborah Diep, director of the Center for Demographic Research: $75,000 from the County of Orange for the “Redistricting Support Services” project
Yu Bai, assistant professor of computer engineering: $70,000 from the U.S. Army Research Office for the “Edge-Based Machine Intelligence Architecture for In-Situ Video Processing Using Binarized Neutral Networks” project
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H. Jochen Schenk, professor of biological science: $65,202 from the National Science Foundation for the project “Research in Undergraduate Institutions: Apoplastic Lipids in Xylem of Vascular Plants: Composition, Locations, Origins and Possible Functions”
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Melanie Horn Mallers, professor of human services: $60,000 from the North Orange County Public Safety Task Force for the “Fullerton Resilient Families” project
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Christina Kim, associate director of extension and international programs: $55,445 in total funding
- $45,445 from the California Department of Food and Agriculture for the “California Pavillion at the Tokyo International Gift Show, Step Year Nine” project
- $10,000 from the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust for the “Ornamental Horticulture Recovery During Pandemic Closure” project
Laura Gil-Trejo, director of the Social Science Research Center: $54,750 from the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California for the project titled “Post Release Survey I and II”
Yinfei Kong, associate professor of information systems and decision sciences: $55,386 from the National Institutes of Health for the project titled “From Workforce Diversity to Key Cultural Competency Strategies to end Racial Disparities in Opioid Treatment Outcomes in the Nation”
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Danielle Zacherl, professor of biological science: $33,304 from the Honda Marine Science Foundation for the “Upper Newport Bay Living Shorelines” project
Sheryl Fontaine, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences: $33,000 from the University of California Office of the President for the “California Global Education Project at CSU Fullerton”
Aimee Nelson, director of the Center for Careers in Teaching: $26,000 from the Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization for the project titled “Cultivating Teacher Leaders: A Progressive Approach to Growing and Diversifying the Teaching Profession in California”
John Bock, professor of anthropology: $15,397 from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University for the “CNH2-L: Human Waste and its Role in Creating Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems at the Urban-Wilderness Continuum in Africa; Humans, Wildlife, Domestic Animals and Microbes” project
Dorothy Woolum, professor emeritus of physics: $10,000 from the California Institute of Technology: National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the project titled “Genesis Samples: Analysis and Technical Enabling”
Ying Du, associate professor of communications: $5,000 from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for the project titled “Algorithmic Audience in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Tailored Communication, Information Cocoons and New Literacy”