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Communications Students Host International Public Relations Conference

CSUF Public Relations Student Society of America Selected to Lead Planning of 2024 ICON Conference
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Leslie Mendez recognizes that she is in a “full circle moment.” 

The Cal State Fullerton alum got her start in communications as a student in the Public Relations Student Society of America. This fall, as a graduate student in the communications program, she’s returning to PRSSA to help host ICON 2024, the largest international conference for professionals in the public relations and communications industry. 

“PRSSA was instrumental in my career journey, and I’m thrilled to bring my experience and enthusiasm back to the organization that had such a profound impact on me,” said Mendez ’18 (B.A. communications-public relations).

As a student in PRSSA, Mendez has benefited from a wide array of networking, leadership and professional development opportunities. 

She served as vice president of digital communications for CSUF’s PRSSA chapter and was also involved in the student-run public relations agency, Titan Public Relations, as an executive director. In these organizations, she gained valuable skills in public relations, teamwork, project management and graphic design. 

This year, the CSUF chapter of PRSSA was selected to host the association’s international ICON conference in Anaheim. The conference provides aspiring public relations, communications and marketing professionals with trainings and opportunities to network with industry leaders from around the world. 

Stepping into the role of conference coordinator, Mendez said her goal is to create an inspiring and enriching experience for all attendees, ensuring that students at every stage of their academic journey leave the conference with valuable insights, a strong network and a passion for working in the field.

From securing sponsors and speakers to planning logistics, Mendez said every detail requires diligence and attention. Throughout the process, she’s held tight to her CSUF communications training.

“My education at CSUF has been instrumental in preparing me for my role. The communications program is so comprehensive,” said Mendez. “To this day, I use templates I got in writing classes, and my graphic design skills all stem from the Digital Foundations class” 

Training Professionals in PRSSA

In planning the Oct. 15-17 conference, Mendez is collaborating with fellow CSUF students Emily Manetta, Natalia Ramirez and Bettina Calaquian, as well as Ken Hagihara, lecturer in communications.

“The decision to select a host chapter is not taken lightly by the PRSSA National Committee, and it shows the level of trust they have in CSUF’s students and faculty,” said Hagihara, who has been the faculty adviser for CSUF PRSSA since 2017 and currently serves as the national PRSSA faculty adviser. 

Through involvement in PRSSA, CSUF students grow into top job candidates, mastering such skills as team leadership, sponsorship and fundraising, event planning, social media management, public speaking, and internal and external communications. 

“Pre-professional organizations like PRSSA provide valuable opportunities for students to network with professionals who can provide valuable insights and advice as well as potential access to job and internship opportunities,” said Hagihara. “They also provide leadership opportunities and demonstrate a level of dedication to the career field that many employers look upon favorably.”

Victoria Field