Introducing Jordan Barlow
Among the 2015-16 class of tenure track faculty who joined CSUF is Jordan Barlow, assistant professor of information systems and decision sciences.
Among the 2015-16 class of tenure track faculty who joined CSUF is Jordan Barlow, assistant professor of information systems and decision sciences.
Family business leaders are invited to learn about the science of pricing, importance of creativity in pricing and key behavioral economics theories and their application to pricing during “Leveraging Price for Increased Profitability,” the Tuesday, Feb. 23, Center for Family Business Workshop at Cal State Fullerton.
Pimbucha Rusmevichientong is one of two new tenure track faculty members in health science who joined Cal State Fullerton last fall.
Cal State Fullerton students are offering income tax return preparation and filing assistance to low-income families and individuals. More than 200 students and alumni — all certified — take part in Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), an IRS-sponsored community program.
Campus club for students interested in teaching English to speakers of other languages will sponsor April 28 adult literacy education talk.
Zev Yaroslavsky, former Los Angeles County supervisor and Los Angeles councilmember, will discuss “Campaign Finance Reform” Feb. 20 as the keynoter for Cal State Fullerton’s Patrons of the Library meeting.
Journalists are invited to a news conference at Cal State Fullerton this Thursday, Feb. 11, as the National Science Foundation brings together scientists from Caltech, MIT, CSUF and others in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration for a status report on the effort to detect gravitational waves.
Cal State Fullerton’s President Mildred García, alumni and other campus representatives will be sharing the possibilities and opportunities for college this month as part of the California State University Super Sunday effort to improve educational outcomes for historically underserved populations.
Five Titan alumni and supporters will be honored Feb. 20 at Cal State Fullerton’s Vision & Visionaries dinner and celebration. The Vision & Visionaries awards are the highest honors that the University bestows on alumni and community supporters.
Interaction designer and multimedia artist Yoon Chung Han joined the College of the Arts faculty in the fall as assistant professor of art.