Fostering a Love of Math
To foster college studies and careers in mathematics among gifted elementary, middle school and high school students, the Fullerton Math Circle begins its fall semester Saturday sessions Sept. 12.
To foster college studies and careers in mathematics among gifted elementary, middle school and high school students, the Fullerton Math Circle begins its fall semester Saturday sessions Sept. 12.
Geology student Kevin Hunter and faculty mentor Joe Carlin spent five days on a research vessel in Monterey Bay in late August, working on a collaborative project to collect sediment from the ocean’s seabed.
Biological science majors spent their summer exploring the ecological and environmental issues affecting ocean animal and plant life.
President Mildred García welcomed to CSUF 70 new members of the tenure-track faculty during convocation and at a dinner held in their honor.
A new study by geologist Matthew E. Kirby and his students on climate change in the Mojave Desert and Southern California potentially signals a very wet winter this year.
Geological sciences professor Diane Clemens-Knott and her students trekked across the Sierras this summer to study how the magma chemistry of the Sierra Nevada mountains changed over the entire Mesozoic Era — the age of the dinosaurs.
The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will host a STEM — Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics — Summer Research Symposium Aug. 7 in Dan Black Hall and courtyard.
Nine faculty and staff members were among the presenters at the 2015 NCCEP GEAR UP conference in San Francisco in July.
The tenure and/or promotion of 62 faculty members has been announced by the Office of Faculty Affairs and Records.
Christopher R. Meyer, chair and professor of chemistry and biochemistry, will serve as a program director in the National Science Foundation’s Division of Biological Infrastructure.