Cal State Fullerton’s Latinx Lab is launching its Social Justice and Storytelling Summer Institute from June 12-23 to teach students how to examine society’s systemic practices. Funded through a $1.2 million grant from the Mellon Foundation, the program will help students understand America’s history, political system, laws and economy — and their impact on social inequality.
Morning sessions will focus on the history of ethnic studies and afternoons will be spent creating storytelling projects. Students will also learn about potential career paths for ethnic studies majors, how to apply for graduate schools, and how to create resumes and cover letters.
Alexandro Gradilla, associate professor of Chicana and Chicano studies at Cal State Fullerton, wants to empower students to become engaged citizens and social justice leaders.
Gradilla said: “Most civil rights and social justice movements were led by young people. For the past 120 years, young people have been at the forefront of change. We hope to show students that your college years are not just about grades, but about being engaged citizens and leaders.
“Social justice isn’t passive. Instead of watching, you need to start doing.”