The College of Communications presents the 46th annual Comm Week conference in the Titan Student Union April 22-25.
Comm Week is a student-run event from the Event Planning and Management course, during which attendees have the opportunity to network and interact with professionals from the communications field. Comm Week is not exclusive to Cal State Fullerton students; it is open to the public, including students from other colleges and universities. Most events are free admission.
The purpose of Comm Week is to build relationships between professionals and students. Some of the speakers’ industries and topics include film, public relations, marketing, broadcast production, public speaking, freelance writing, communicative technologies and entertainment.
More than 40 professionals are scheduled to speak at Comm Week, including Armon Sadler, hip hop reporter from VIBE Magazine; Nick Beard, digital marketing manager for Mazda North American Operations; and Kristen Griffiths, director of accounts at the Feltman Agency.
Panels and presentations will cover topics about navigating a career in communications, sharing personal stories about paths to success, professional growth strategies and more. These sessions cater to student academic needs and are a great way to network with professionals. Students can gain insight and knowledge of what to expect and how to better prepare themselves for a career in various communications industries.
Organizations and activities participating in Comm Week 2024 include Titan Radio, Entertainment & Tourism Club (event is for members only), AdClub, Augmentative and Alternative Communication Club, National Association of Black Journalists, Public Relations Student Society of America, and the Latino Communications Institute.
Visit the Comm Week website or download the app “CommWeek2024” to view the speaker schedule and more information about sessions. Comm Week is also on Instagram @csufcommweek.