The Emeriti of CSUF and Patrons of the Pollak Library will host a Talk, Tour, Lunch event on Oct. 4, featuring the library’s special collections and a talk from a Cal State Fullerton emeritus.
The talk will take place from 10-11 a.m. in Pollak Library, Room 360. Sandra Rhoten, senior associate dean emeritus, will speak about her experience as a member of the American Red Cross Donut Dollies of Vietnam. Six hundred young women braved mortars, sniper fire and wartime hardships to bring smiles, songs, games and a touch of home to active servicemen.
The talk will be followed by a 30-minute tour of CSUF’s Special Collections located in Pollak Library, Room 352. The Special Collections include such gems as Frank Herbert’s original manuscript for “Dune,” a rich array of resources on local history and political literature, and a growing Latinx Science Fiction Collection. It’s also home to the Zúñiga Research Collection, covering Chicanx and Latinx history, rare books, maps and more.
At 11:30 a.m., guests will walk to Titan Dining Hall for lunch. Emeritus members and students, faculty and staff are encouraged to bring their ID for a potential discount.