Art Professor Analyzes Notions of Gender in Article
Elisa Mandell argues that modern notions of gender effect what we see in ancient paintings and sculptures from Teotihuacan.
Elisa Mandell argues that modern notions of gender effect what we see in ancient paintings and sculptures from Teotihuacan.
A Cal State Fullerton alumnus and former lecturer has returned to his alma mater after completing his doctorate.
The Fullerton Arboretum will host a California Native Habitat Plant Sale 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 7-8, in the Potting Shed.
Pollak Library is hosting a two-day open house Nov. 17 and 18, designed for faculty, staff and administrators.
A field of CSUF student and community teams will compete using giant trebuchets, catapults and other launchers to hurl pumpkins at the Nov. 7 Pumpkin Launch on campus.
The Chancellor’s Office has recognized the University’s Supplemental Instruction Program as a model for other CSU campuses, with CSUF’s Philip Janowicz leading the effort to expand the program systemwide to boost student success.
Cal State Fullerton’s WoMen’s and Adult Reentry Center presents its 16th annual Violence Prevention Conference, “It’s On Us: Preventing Sexual Violence.”
Campus members gathered in the outdoor pavilion of the Fullerton Arboretum Oct. 22 to recognize the importance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals on campus and the community.
CSUF serves as a leader in helping students save money on textbooks though the campus bookstore. In fact, since 2007, it has been estimated that CSUF students have saved more than $20 million on course materials.
Four senior geology majors and one graduate student joined James Parham, assistant professor of geological science and a faculty curator at the John D. Cooper Center, in presenting research they conducted using local fossils.