CSUF in the News
June 2024
He is Latino, was Accepted by 21 Universities and Reveals Which One He Chose: He Wants to be a Doctor (Spanish)
Explore These 7 Southern California Botanical Gardens Offering a Bit of Tranquility
These Colleges in Nevada, California, Arizona and Oregon Made Money’s Best List
Helping LGBTQ+ Students Thrive
Examining the State of the Presidential Race with First Debate a Week Away
Abel Jordan: “Orlando Ortega is an Athlete That I Have Always Liked to Follow” (Spanish)
Abel Jordan: “Orlando Ortega is an Athlete That I Have Always Liked to Follow” (Spanish)
CSUF’s New Humanities Dean is Bringing History Mainstream
Dr. Stefan Bean Appointed to the Orange County Department of Education (Vietnamese)
Hot, Dry Weekend on Tap for Southern California as ‘Heat Dome’ Makes its Way Across the Midwest