CSUF in the News
June 2022
Tech Focus for CSUF’s New School of Accountancy
Titans share personal stories in continuing video series on anti-racism
‘Estudiante sobresaliente’ graduada de CSUF triunfó sobre la adversidad
Back with a splash — CSUF’s summer youth programs return
CSUF’s Latinx Lab will develop storytelling in Chicanx studies
OC’s Monkey Business Cafés, the Fullerton Arboretum, and the U-ACRE program collaborating to provide opportunities for foster care teens
Spinal cord injury motivated CSUF grad student to pursue higher education
Donors to CSUF’s philanthropic campaign find diverse ways to enrich the university
DACA recipients demonstrate their achievements and ensure that it is time for legalization
Dwindling Sales Tax Forces Orange County Cities to Rethink Approach to Revenue