Campus Celebrates Black History Month
A Tuesday, Feb, 7, reception featuring a talk by Joel Abraham, associate professor of biological science, and hosted by President Mildred García is one of the activities scheduled for Black History Month.
A Tuesday, Feb, 7, reception featuring a talk by Joel Abraham, associate professor of biological science, and hosted by President Mildred García is one of the activities scheduled for Black History Month.
A new study from the Cooper Center, led by a Cal State Fullerton student when she was an undergraduate, reveals the hidden history of crocodiles in Orange County and California.
Chemistry educator Sachel Villafañe joined CSUF this academic year as an assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry.
Three science students received the top awards from Cal State University’s Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology at the 29th annual CSU Biotechnology Symposium.
Fourteen CSUF faculty members and 195 students are participating in study abroad and study away activities during the winter Intersession.
Outstanding Professor Award honoree Mario U. Martelli, emeritus professor of mathematics, died Dec. 30 at the age of 79.
CSUF student and faculty researchers will be among participants at the Jan. 5-7 CSU Biotechnology Symposium, designed to broaden exposure to cutting-edge biotechnologies, product-focused innovation and the spectrum of career paths available in the life sciences.
Cal State Fullerton faculty, staff and administrators completed the fall semester and the second fiscal year quarter, receiving more than $5.7 million in grants and contracts for a variety of programs that help students succeed in their educational endeavors, as well as support faculty research projects.
For his master’s thesis in geology, graduate Peter Kloess studied over 500 seabird fossils from across the state, including 242 fossil seabirds from Orange County, mostly specimens housed at the John D. Cooper Archaeological and Paleontological Center.
President Mildred García conferred the emeriti title on a number of campus people in December including three alumni.