In 2019, Cal State Fullerton Professor of Theatre and Dance Lisa D. Long began teaching four basic principles of mindfulness in her classes: breath awareness, closed-eye body awareness, self-talk tracking and a yoga pose known as Savasana.
By adding mindfulness to dance training, Long noticed improved physical, mental and emotional awareness in her students. Encouraged by what she saw and the performance results of her students, she decided to further her research and quantify the results.
The research, which began during the height of the pandemic and continued for four years, led to the publication of Long’s newest book, “Mindful Rigor: Holistic Training to Enhance Dance Performance.”
To conduct research, Long partnered with CSUF kinesiology major Jaimie Rodden. Before and after each class, Long asked her students to fill out questionnaires that Rodden then analyzed. From the questionnaires, Long and Rodden proved that traditional dance training and conditioning combined with mindfulness gave dancers a competitive edge.
Students not only reported improved performance, but shared how mindfulness improved their mental health and focus. One student summed up her experience: “When I am more mindful, I dance better. I am more positive. I feel better at the end of class, and my dancing is more enjoyable to watch. Mindfulness leads to artistry.”
For Long, mindfulness has changed how she learns, creates and teaches. Her students are now sharing these techniques with family and friends, bringing mindfulness to diverse groups of people — something she did not foresee when she began adding these practices to her courses.
To add mindfulness to one’s daily routine, Long recommends two exercises: a “self-talk tracker,” or notes on personal thoughts, that can draw attention to internal negative dialogue and foster positive change, and using a lacrosse ball for simple stretches.
Before she began teaching at CSUF, Long danced professionally for over a decade, first for Dallas Black Dance Theatre, then as a principal dancer with Dance Kaleidoscope under the artistic direction of David Hochoy.