Faculty to Share Successful High-Impact Practices
Faculty members from seven colleges will share the successes they have had with high-impact practices Monday, March 14, during the Faculty Development Center’s annual teaching showcase day.
Faculty members from seven colleges will share the successes they have had with high-impact practices Monday, March 14, during the Faculty Development Center’s annual teaching showcase day.
The Faculty Development Center announces the establishment this spring of a learning community to help further cultural competence among faculty members.
What is an academic master plan? How is it different from the University’s strategic plan? Campus members serving on the AMP Steering Committee answer questions on the effort
Cal State Fullerton faculty and staff members garnered nearly $3 million in grants and contracts during the second quarter of the academic year.
Joining Cal State Fullerton on Feb. 1 will be Elizabeth Boretz as assistant vice president for student success and director of the campus Academic Advisement Center.
In recognition of the efforts of those members of the teaching faculty who serve as lecturers at Cal State Fullerton, the Office of the Provost has sponsored the University’s first ever Lecturer Recognition Event.
A delegation of five university presidents from Mexico visited campus Thursday to learn more about the University’s academic programs, areas of research and potential opportunities for mutual collaboration.
Author David Ulin to speak Oct. 27 at the Fullerton Arboretum.
Cal State Fullerton has begun Strengthening Opportunities, Access and Resources (SOAR) to help underrepresented students succeed in their graduate studies.
Ten different proposals for academic activities that incorporate high-impact practices and other elements of the University’s Strategic Plan have been selected to receive funding through the President’s Strategic Fund.