CSUF President: “College Is for You”
CSUF President Mildred García shares Super Sunday message of opportunity and success.
CSUF President Mildred García shares Super Sunday message of opportunity and success.
Cal State Fullerton President Mildred García stood before the congregants at Christ Our Redeemer A.M.E. Church in Irvine on Sunday and announced “The message I bring with me this morning is simple: College is for you!”
Matthias Lechner, art director of environments for Disney’s “Zootopia,” will offer a behind-the-scenes presentation.
Fossils and artifacts uncovered in Orange County will be on exhibit through April 24 at the Rancho Santa Margarita Library.
“Come Together. Act Together” is the theme of Cal State Fullerton’s 12th Annual Social Justice Summit. The 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, program in Portola Pavilion of the Titan Student Union is free and open to the public.
Vyron Klassen, professor emeritus of mathematics, died Jan. 19.
Zev Yaroslavsky, former Los Angeles County supervisor and Los Angeles councilmember, will discuss “Campaign Finance Reform” Feb. 20 as the keynoter for Cal State Fullerton’s Patrons of the Library meeting.
Campus club for students interested in teaching English to speakers of other languages will sponsor April 28 adult literacy education talk.
Cal State Fullerton’s President Mildred García, alumni and other campus representatives will be sharing the possibilities and opportunities for college this month as part of the California State University Super Sunday effort to improve educational outcomes for historically underserved populations.
Larry Junies, a sophomore communications major, presents a 6 p.m. Feb. 10 program in which he interviews CSUF alumnus Danny Mendoza, founder of Together We Rise.