Titan Voice – President Virjee Welcomes Spring Students to the Titan Family
CSUF President Fram Virjee describes the Titan meaning of home.
CSUF President Fram Virjee describes the Titan meaning of home.
Cal State Fullerton faculty members were busy presenting and publishing in the last few months of 2019, and several received notable appointments or emeriti status.
President Fram Virjee shared the latest Titan successes and future plans with an appreciative crowd at the recent Orange County Business Council breakfast event.
Ryan Gottfredson, assistant professor of management, discusses his research on what drives leaders.
Brenda Hensley Spencer, professor emeritus of elementary and bilingual education, died on Jan. 4
The CSUF professor of anthropology is remembered as a distinguished scholar of the Kingdom of Benin.
New research from Ryan Gottfredson, assistant professor of management at Cal State Fullerton, found that improving leaders’ mindsets is key to enhancing their effectiveness. His work broadens the study and training of leaders.
Cal State Fullerton kicks off its spring semester Saturday, Jan. 18, with plenty of activities and updates on campus.
CSUF ranked first in California and second in the nation for awarding bachelor’s degrees to underrepresented students according to Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.
Panetta Scholar, Meghan Waymire, was one of 26 students selected to serve two weeks of training at The Panetta Institute for Public Policy and an internship with U.S. Rep. Susan Davis.