Congrats to the Class of 2017!
Thousands of graduates and candidates for graduation celebrated their milestone achievement with family and friends during Cal State Fullerton’s commencement ceremonies.
Thousands of graduates and candidates for graduation celebrated their milestone achievement with family and friends during Cal State Fullerton’s commencement ceremonies.
Cal State Fullerton’s Center for Insurance Studies has been recognized as a Global Center of Insurance Excellence by the International Insurance Society (IIS).
Students from the Applied Security Analysis Program visit Janus Capital and the experience pays dividends.
CSUF’s Gianneschi Center for Nonprofit Research and the Nonprofit Collaborative of Southern California are jointly hosting a Thursday, May 25, training program, “Protecting Your Nonprofit’s Precious Assets: Learn the Top Five Risks!”
Studies into how Shakespeare’s words were pronounced, how the First Amendment was used to challenge government censorship in the 1950s, and how Proposition 13 impacted household property tax burdens and tax revenue are just a few of the proposed projects being undertaken during sabbaticals awarded for the 2017-18 academic year.
CSUF is ranked first in the nation for awarding bachelor’s degrees in business to Asian Americans.
Cal State Fullerton’s Student Life and Leadership recognized outstanding student organizations at the third annual Tuffy Awards.
Mihaylo students are the next generation of researchers in business and related disciplines. This year, two such scholars were honored during the University’s Student Creative Activities and Research Day.
Cal State Fullerton’s chapter of the American Marketing Association was named among the organization’s top 10 chapters at the New Orleans International Collegiate Conference in March.
Cal State Fullerton’s Mihaylo College of Business and Economics sponsors the 23rd Mihaylo College Golf Classic, where golfers enjoy a day on the links while supporting student scholarships and services.