CSUF in the News
June 2022
- Titans share personal stories in continuing video series on anti-racism
- ‘Estudiante sobresaliente’ graduada de CSUF triunfó sobre la adversidad
- Back with a splash — CSUF’s summer youth programs return
- CSUF’s Latinx Lab will develop storytelling in Chicanx studies
- OC’s Monkey Business Cafés, the Fullerton Arboretum, and the U-ACRE program collaborating to provide opportunities for foster care teens
- Spinal cord injury motivated CSUF grad student to pursue higher education
- Donors to CSUF’s philanthropic campaign find diverse ways to enrich the university
- DACA recipients demonstrate their achievements and ensure that it is time for legalization
- Dwindling Sales Tax Forces Orange County Cities to Rethink Approach to Revenue
- Don’t know they are twins? Try this genetic test (Chinese)