Introducing Robert Meeds
Robert Meeds joined the CSUF communications faculty this fall. He brings expertise in marketing communications, including brand perception.
Robert Meeds joined the CSUF communications faculty this fall. He brings expertise in marketing communications, including brand perception.
New appointment for director of the Cooper Center and an honor for a campus lecturer.
Faculty members in computer science and health science will be traveling this month to deliver papers at various professional meetings.
Three business faculty have made recent presentations; a fourth will chair a session at an upcoming meeting in Dallas.
Chi-Chung Keung will serve as director of news media services effective Dec. 11.
Among the new members of the mathematics faculty this fall is Alison S. Marzocchi.
Joining the ranks of business faculty this fall is Mohammad Reza Habibi. The assistant professor of marketing recently completed his doctorate in business administration from Concordia University.
Musicologist Stan Breckenridge will lead a noon-1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, workshop that mixes music and “Critical Listening Skills for Students, Teachers and Parents” in this program sponsored by Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion.
CSUF President Mildred García and Danny C. Kim, vice president for administration and finance/chief administrative officer, jointly offered the report with a focus on the fiscal state of the campus.
The California State University received a $1 million grant from the James Irvine Foundation to prepare teachers skilled in Linked Learning, a teaching approach that blends academics with career-based learning and real-world experience.