Introducing Ning An
The newest member of Cal State Fullerton’s School of Music has received a multitude of accolades since, including top prizes from the Queen Elizabeth, Cleveland and William Kapell Piano competitions.
The newest member of Cal State Fullerton’s School of Music has received a multitude of accolades since, including top prizes from the Queen Elizabeth, Cleveland and William Kapell Piano competitions.
Faculty members and students from the Department of Health Science were among the presenters at a number of recent professional meetings and conferences.
In recognition of the efforts of those members of the teaching faculty who serve as lecturers at Cal State Fullerton, the Office of the Provost has sponsored the University’s first ever Lecturer Recognition Event.
CSU Chancellor Timothy White and members of the CSU Emeritus and Retired Faculty Association gathered last month on the campus of Cal State Fullerton.
Teacher and trainer Tricia Kasamatsu has joined Cal State Fullerton’s Kinesiology faculty this fall and will be sharing her experiences with students
Melissa Montgomery, once an athletic trainer for the women’s semi-professional team California Storm, is sharing her knowledge, skills and experience in the classroom as one of four new kinesiology faculty members this fall.
Derek Pamukoff is among four faculty members who have joined Cal State Fullerton’s Kinesiology Department this year. The assistant professor has served as a preseason testing consultant for the Anaheim Ducks.
Two University police officers have put down their razors for “Movember,” an international fundraising event to support research and education about prostate and testicular cancers.
Latino Communications Initiative director and two students receive awards from Hispanic Public Relations Association.
Cal State Fullerton has announced the appointments of a new dean for the College of Health and Human Development and a Title IX coordinator.