The Teamwork and Collaboration Award recognizes faculty and staff members who demonstrate cooperation, collaboration and open communication. The award recognizes teams who work together on projects and make significant efforts to advance college goals, departmental goals and the university’s strategic goals.
At Cal State Fullerton’s 2022 University Awards Program, held April 21, facilities operations managers were honored with the Teamwork and Collaboration Award for their work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Pam Newton, senior custodial operations manager (Administration and Finance)
- Anthony Sinopoli, logistical services manager (Administration and Finance)
- Hans Mickelson, landscape services manager (Administration and Finance)
- Albina Guzman, custodial operations manager (Administration and Finance)
- Anthony Chadwick, custodial operations manager (Administration and Finance)
Nothing shows responsibility and accountability like leading by example. How could a Facilities Operations force of nearly 150 employees expect to come to work and create a safe working environment if their managers were giving operational directions from home?

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of dedicated managers maintained a physical presence on campus. The operations team took care of such services as cleaning, sanitization and utilities to provide a safe environment for the campus. Their managers demonstrated to the staff that the university cared about the work conditions of custodial, landscape and logistics by ensuring that managers and directors were on campus to support, encourage and contribute.
As the pandemic lingered, the operations team was needed in different areas, asked to change course at a moment’s notice and asked to help in oversight of different teams in unfamiliar roles. These managers were asked to perform duties that they never thought would be part of their tasks. Because of their commitment, those on campus could count on a safe and clean environment.
The University Awards program also recognized years-of-service milestones and degrees that faculty and staff earned during the 2021-22 school year.