Study Explores Physical, Mental Well-Being of Student-Support Staff
How are California State University staff, who deal with student veterans, those with disabilities, etc., faring when it comes to stress management and self care?
How are California State University staff, who deal with student veterans, those with disabilities, etc., faring when it comes to stress management and self care?
For five years, students have been receiving exposure to and experience in big data science research — and finding a pathway to future careers.
Cal State Fullerton student veteran Andrew Romo enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2009 and was stationed at Camp Pendleton. He served in Afghanistan and participated in humanitarian operations. The president of the Student Veterans Association shares his journey from serving in the military to becoming a college student.
A couple of years ago as an undergraduate student, Rachel Ruggieri had little thought about conducting a research study, particularly one on the exercise she practiced: aerial exercise. Today, Ruggieri is a graduate student and has a published study.
Challnges such as urban sprawl, climate change and community health concerns can be addressed with environmentally sustainable planning, says Cal State Fullerton public health faculty member Mojgan Sami
Faculty from the College of Communications and the College of Health and Human Development at Cal State Fullerton are sharing their expertise at a series of October conferences.
Cal State Fullerton’s School of Nursing program, EMBRACE, promotes attributes like cultural sensitivity and workplace diversity.
The key to healthy masculinity is to understand the role of adaptability and responsiveness, explained Matt Englar-Carlson during the Oct. 8 Outstanding Professor lecture, “What Does It Mean to Be a Healthy Man? Exploring Ideas of Positive Masculinities.”
Shalonda Abubakar is a master of social work student at Cal State Fullerton and a 2019-20 recipient of an American Association of University Women (AAUW) career development grant. The grants are designed specifically for women who have stepped away from academic work and wish to return.
Research into manta rays, electron scattering and emerging datasets for agriculture, as well as programs that encourage study in social work, allied health care and STEM fields, have garnered nearly $11 million in awards, grants and contracts during the first fiscal quarter of the academic year.