In Memoriam – Robert ‘Rob’ Fulton
Robert “Rob” Fulton, longtime resident manager of the California State University Desert Studies Center in the Mojave Desert, has died.
Robert “Rob” Fulton, longtime resident manager of the California State University Desert Studies Center in the Mojave Desert, has died.
“By providing sufficient funding to the California State University in the state’s 2018-19 budget, Governor Brown and the legislature made a wise decision that will provide California and Californians with both immediate and far-ranging benefits,” said California State University Chancellor Timothy P. White following Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing of the 2018-19 budget.
The professor of music emeritus and former vice president for academic affairs — and the first woman to hold a vice presidency at Cal State Fullerton — died June 25.
Three faculty members from the College of Communications recently saw their work in print.
Among the recent professional activities of CSUF faculty is an exhibit of illustrations by artist Cliff Cramp at the Great Park Gallery through Aug. 19, and Tenzin Dorjee’s chairmanship of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
CSUF’s Alumni Association is offering lifetime membership to faculty and staff for $60 — but only through June 30.
CSUF’s Division of University Advancement is the recipient of a CASE Circle of Excellence gold award for “Frankenstein,” a multimedia piece published online in fall 2017.
Three CSUF faculty and a long-serving staff member have been recognized with awards and positions of leadership.
Faculty leaves and sabbaticals have been awarded for projects ranging from studies into herbicides in water and the psychological concept of courage, to writing books on student activism and Bruce Springsteen’s conception of the American dream.
From producing online videos to publishing in scientific journals, several faculty members from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences showcased their research in the spring.