Leaving a Mark in the Marvel Universe
Alumnus Brian Crosby ’07 (BFA, art-illustration) landed his dream job as creative director of Marvel Themed Entertainment.
Alumnus Brian Crosby ’07 (BFA, art-illustration) landed his dream job as creative director of Marvel Themed Entertainment.
Students and alumnae of the university’s HACU Ambassador Program share the impact it has had on their lives and careers.
From selfies with Tuffy to donning special event Los Angeles Angels/CSUF baseball caps, students, staff, faculty and alumni carried on the tradition of CSUF Night at Angels Stadium last Sunday. Titans cheered on the Angels, caught up with friends and family, and enjoyed a day at the ballpark eating hot dogs and sipping on cool […]
Attesting to the strength of the accounting program, the new School of Accountancy is one of only four in California to attain such status.
Alumna Darleene Powells looks back at what it was like to be a student journalist at Cal State Fullerton on 9/11.
Graduate student Maria Linares is appointed as a student trustee on the California State University Board of Trustees for 2021-23.
Matthew Cosaert and Kristy Nguyen are the recipients of the 2021 Miles D. McCarthy Health Professions Award, a university honor recognizing high academic achievement, integrity and a commitment to serve humanity.
President Fram Virjee discussed diversity, equity and inclusion with alumnus Tam Nguyen, president of Advance Beauty College, for the Cultures United program sponsored by Orange County United Way.
Cal State Fullerton’s infectious disease researcher Veronica Jimenez and her former students describe how Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease, can sense its internal and external environment in a new study published in eLife.
Three Cal State Fullerton alumni are helping water polo and volleyball athletes perform their best at the Tokyo Olympics.