New Window on the Cosmos
Titans Make Gravitational-Wave History
Titans Make Gravitational-Wave History
Gravitational Waves Detected 100 Years After Einstein’s Prediction LIGO Opens New Window on the Universe With Observation of Gravitational Waves From Colliding Black Holes CSUF Physicists Play Significant Role in Discovery For the first time, scientists have observed ripples in the fabric of space-time called gravitational waves, arriving at the earth from a cataclysmic event […]
Journalists are invited to a news conference at Cal State Fullerton this Thursday, Feb. 11, as the National Science Foundation brings together scientists from Caltech, MIT, CSUF and others in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration for a status report on the effort to detect gravitational waves.
Two student research proposals have been accepted for presentation at the April 19-20 “Posters on the Hill” event in Washington, D.C.
With outbreaks of infectious diseases on the rise — most recently the Zika virus — CSUF scientists are conducting studies to help understand and stop the spread of infections.
Graduate student Gabriel-Philip Santos has uncovered a new fossil from Orange County — an 8-to-13 million-year-old member of an extinct group of herbivorous marine mammals called desmostylians, a hippo-like looking animal.
The University has been awarded a $3 million grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine to train students in stem cell research and regenerative medicine.
Allyson Fry-Petit joined the University as an assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry. She earned her doctorate in inorganic chemistry from Ohio State University.
Math educator Bridget K. Druken taught college mathematics courses for pre-service elementary teachers, tutored high school seniors and helped teach math to third-graders before joining the faculty this academic year.
CSUF faculty members are in print in recently published books and articles.